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Smoking whilst having a stomach flu.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Highgal, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. So I got a stomach flu on Friday night, and now am semi recovered now. I haven't smoked since Friday. I do still feel tired, a bit nauseous, but otherwise no cold relate symtoms. I was wondering if smoking at this stage would be ok? Do you think it might help with the nausea? Any advice would be helpful :)
  2. In my experiences, this is definately a remedy that helps.

    Just gotta wait a bout 5 mins or so until you begin to feel numb/better from the cold

    Also, I recommend vaporizing, as it is the cleanest high, or edibles.

    Give it a try. What do you have to lose?
  3. no if you smoke it you might release thc worms into your stomach and die
  4. Thanks for giving me my first laugh of the weekend, bravo.
  5. smoking while sick is amazing it makes me feel 100x better, so go for it :smoke:

    its 100% safe
  6. I will definitely try to smoke some tonight and see how I feel. Thanks! :)
  7. Yea post and let us know how you feel bro

  8. could be a gal :smoke:
  9. I think bro extends to chicks.
  10. I'm a girl, but like Gorbs said I think bro extends to girl...but yeah, I am a girl :)

    Also, I just smoked from my pipe and I feel really good right now. My stomach stop bothering me 10 minutes ago..I'm so glad.
  11. lol my bad...cant really think of a laid back term to refer to a girl as..

    bro works right?:smoke:

    glad you feel good...stay baked!
  12. Meh, didn't bother me. Thanks for the advice ;)
  13. I've always smoked while can't hurt

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