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Smoking Weed With Inactive THC & Effects

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by KittyRocks, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. I always thought it was the active THC that gave you the effect of being "high". However laws locally to me have changed quite a bit but not to the point that we have traditional dispensaries youd find in say seattle. HOWEVER there is only one store near me that appears to be a typical dispensary so I got some bud there and it was great! I couldnt understand how this one store was getting away with it and why werent there more stores like them since they seemed very profitable? So on my next trip I asked what loopholes they might be using and they said everything sold in the store had INACTIVE thc only. I was flabbergasted bc I had already bought the one bag from them and I hadnt noticed ANY difference at all. In fact it had been some of the best stuff id had in ages and continues to be the best.

    Im so curious though.. If the stuff with inactive thc isnt illegal and it seems to have the exact same effect why arent there a million inactive thc dispensaries all over?
  2. They're probably selling stuff with THCa in it.
    Once you heat it, it converts to THC.

    Enjoy it while you can. The 2023 Farm Bill looks
    to close all those loopholes and make all of that
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Oh wow that was just the point in the right direction I needed to understand all this. I was wondering how long it would last. However this store didnt open until recently when local laws also changed such that weed had become legal locally. (Im in Virginia and the law changed either in June or July I forget.)

    To my understanding its now legal to buy and sell (with some limits on amount - I believe its 2 oz?) BUT theres no legal framework for how a store selling active thc can be opened. Up until this I was using word of mouth referrals for delivery services but that can be a minor hassle compared to the ease of the store. (Since finding a meeting time usually took a few days.)

    I also wonder about the pop ups bc several happen a week locally to me and they are always very public. At those they do sell active THC products. Ive been to a few of those but I still prefer the ease of this store.
  4. THCa is what THC exists as in all cannabis before decarboxylation. THCa is converted to THC through heat (flame, or cooking). There is nothing special about the weed at that dispensary.

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