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Smoking Weed with Gastritis

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by WVUBudz, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. I have recently been diagnosed with gastritis ( inflammation of the stomach) and i was wondering if it would still be fine to blaze or would this delay the healing process?
  2. although I'm not a medical doctor, I would think that smoking anything with gastritis will cause irritation and pain, although marijuana hasn't shown any effects to gastritis. The only thing that may effect your gastritis is if u get bad munchies and stuff yourself with food, because too much fatty foods may cause abdominal pain from acid build up.
  3. [quote name='"clay11"']I have recently been diagnosed with gastritis ( inflammation of the stomach) and i was wondering if it would still be fine to blaze or would this delay the healing process?[/quote]

    If your smoking, your using your lungs bro and you should be fine.

  4. but smoke still goes to your lungs, that is the reason many smokers are diagnosed with stomach cancers and esophageal cancers
  5. [quote name='"R107SL"']

    but smoke still goes to your lungs, that is the reason many smokers are diagnosed with stomach cancers and esophageal cancers[/quote]

    What your talking about is a huge jump from the topic and I'm sure clay11 does not have to be concerned about the big C just yet. :D
  6. Well, he is on the right track and what you provided could be bad advice. Smoke doesn't just go to the lungs, it gets into the stomach and can cause irritation. Smoking is a major cause of ulcers and other stomach problems - maybe clay11 should talk to the doc.

  7. thank your for explaining what I was just trying to tell him. Im not saying that he will get cancer (MJ hasn't been proven to cause cancer even) but smoke still goes into your stomach, with every inhale. For some its more smoke than others but some smoke still goes down the GI tract. Also as I was stating earlier, if he is one of those people who gets very bad munchies and devours all kinds of fatty foods, that will make your Acid receptors in your stomach to release more acid, which in turn can aggravate ulcers and the gastritis.
  8. Some can go down the wrong tube and get in your stomach, smoking can possibly irritate your stomach, but generally just makes things "settle" idk. Vaping is an excellent alternative if smoking does end up causing pain

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