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Smoking weed from wooden tobacco pipes.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Dronetek, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. I've been smoking for years, but recently I broke my glass pipe. I'm going to get a new one, but in the meantime I've been smoking from a cheap $5.00 wooden tobacco pipe. Is it ok to smoke from a wooden pipe or is it extremely unhealthy? It seems like they wouldn't make the pipe out of wood if it was bad for you, but I figured most people use it for tobacco and not inhale.

    Thanks for the help!
  2. it will burn a little @ first but after it has a thin coating of smoke resin on it it will be fine. also smoking wood isnt all that unhealthy
    unless its pressure treated or something.
  3. It's just as safe.
  4. Thanks a lot!
  5. i do it and i like the hits. they are big and thick. teh tobacco pipe had alot of tobacco already in it so when u get to the bottom of the bowl make sure not to try and hit it or u will get a chestful of tobaco resin.
  6. Don't always go by that though, some still make pipes out of aluminum, the one-hitter cigarette pipes are notorious for that.
  7. i just got the jack herer wooden pipe. hits like a champ and is def smooth. check up info on it.
  8. yea ive had a couple wooden pieces, they work really well for a while but res up fast. So your enjoyment is interrupted by having to clear it out constantly.
  9. Aluminum is 100% safe to smoke out of. That's a myth even a torch lighter is nowhere close to hot enough to vaporize the aluminum.
  10. Yeah, they're safe to smoke out of. Pot doesn't burn at a higher tempature than tobacco.
  11. nothin better than puffin pot out of pipe, like its tobacco its very discret. Wooden pipes are alrite smoked some good bud w/ it and they hit nice.
  12. Yeah it's fine (people smoke tobacco out of them don't they? :p)

    You don't get as large hits because there's no shotgun but it definitely works.
  13. Yeah but the coating gives you a headache. So you burn the whole thing thoroughly beforehand to burn off that coating, and yeah you're good :hello:
  14. hm if ur afraid itll be un healthy wet it a little before u use it...nnot too much tho
  15. wooden pipes are the shit! hail sherlock/gandalf!
  16. Depends on the wood and how it's manufactured.
    Glues are a big no-no here.
    Also some woods produce carciogenic fumes when burned. I know oak is one of them, you shouldnt even be putting this stuff in your chimney.
    If I remember correctly, the wood from cherrytrees is favored and also expensive.
    50 bucks for a good pipe is not abnormal.
  17. I do believe you're incorrect about oak being toxic. People smoke meats with oak wood, people sit by fires from oak trees. I know for a fact oak is not a harmful wood. However there are woods out there that can kill you.
  18. OPs 11 years old dude lol

    I have a few wood pipes & they're safe to smoke from
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