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smoking weed, depression bipolar in teens

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bmbskate14, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. so im a sophomore now, but in freshman year i smoked every day maybe 2 days out of the month i wouldnt smoke and sometimes id smoke multiple times. now i smoke sometimes like 3 times a month, and i dont get mad usually but sometimes i get sad and think that noone likes me when a bunch of little stupid events add up or for no real reason. does anybody know if smoking weed that much at that age can really cause depression or bipolar disorder or any effects cus i searched the symptoms of both and i have like half of them but no suicidal thoughts, and sometimes i think of dying and it scares the fuck out of me cus i think of eternal nothing and i panic for a second then i try to forget about it if that has anything to do with that. am i overreacting or what
  2. naw ur good just change that so it says ur a senior u need to b 18 or ull get banned on here
  3. You're having panic attacks, and you're also underage. :rolleyes:

    And I have read that smoking weed when you're still in puberty can increase your chances to develop an anxiety disorder/bipolar disorder/depression.

    Thoughts only have as much power as you give them, my little stoner. ;) Don't freak let yourself freak out over it. When you have anxiety inducing thoughts, try to laugh them off. Thoughts grow the more you listen to them, and if you listen to them long enough they begin to define what you do. Focus on anxiety hard enough you'll give yourself an anxiety disorder, no weed needed. :p
  4. Yeah death scares the shit out of me too, sometimes to the point where I obsess about it.

    Honestly though I'm not a doctor but I highly doubt smoking even heavily at that age would cause depression or bipolar disorder. You're more likely to be affected by hormones and such at that age than thc. In all likelihood it's probably just a phase you're going through.

    I'm only 21 but let me tell you from the exp I have and older people will back me up-- any time you get sad, worried, depressed, stressed, concerned, or apathetic about anything in life please do remember you are a sophomore in high school. High school blows for more reasons than I can remember and in the grand scheme of things it's only a blip on the radar.

    Wait til you get to college, college kicks ass hands down. You have your entire life ahead of you so cheer up man.

    Toke on :smoke:
  5. Youre over reacting. And no I dont think you could somehow aquire bipolar disorder or depression from weed. Bipolar disorder is very complex.

    If you think youre really bipolar or depressed, then just talk about the things that make you think your bipolar or the things that are making you depressed.

    The only problem with this is, the truth is something we don't always share. When you confront this problem you have to be 100% true with yourself cause some ugly things will pop out of your mind and mouth.

    I always found venting or rambling to a friend (usually over MSN cause its easier for me to convey my thoughts through typed words then simply speaking.) But if you need someone to vent to, all of GC is here for you =]

    Were all people, and we all want to be happy.

    =] Help is always out there, you just have to be the one to ask

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