Find a place where you are allowed to smoke. If he lives above you there is a VERY good chance you will get evicted for breaking your rental agreement, Since one of you will become complacent, and he will find out. If you sign an agreement to not smoke in HIS apartment, don't smoke. You are only as good as your word to other people. *edit* If you are in an legal state, province, territory, country, etc. I am sure you can find a 420 friendly landlord. If not, it would not be smart to chance it.
Definetly do not have 12 people smoking ar your pad withyour landlord right above you... Lol. Idk if its even worth blazing at your pad. But then again, i can hardly even picture what your talkig about... Im picturing kinda like a house and you guys living underneath it...
Get a few smoke buddies if you're really worried about it, or do some DIY moke buddies by getting a used toilet paper roll, some carbon (for like fish aquariums and stuff), some dryer sheets...boom, make a bunch of those and pass em out. Blow through the toilet roll. Or just smoke in one room...and vent that smoke out somehow, haha.
There is no way 12 people could smoke in one place without someone on the outside noticing. As soon as I read that number I thought "Is this a joke?" Assuming it's not, I would have to say no. You're shit out of luck. Try the woods.
Sounds pretty disrespectful bro especially if he specifically told you no smoking, If i was him and found you were smoking when i told you not to i would be fucking pissed. Just blaze outside.
My landlord has no smoking on the contract. You can do the sheets like someone said or just go for a walk and smoke a joint you enjoy it better that way.
alright so big seshes are out of it. but i think we could hit the bong in the house like in the bathroom fine right? ill just make three homemade smoke buddies!
Yo! I think u should get about 50 people and smoke tha fuck outta ur landlord!! Make him and his family tripp for hours!!!
Is the roof accessible to you, cause I wouldn't want to have heads Ocer at my house especially if the landlord is right above me Id def get like 3-4 people Max and smoking in the bathroom with the shower on and like a towel by the front door one inside the bathroom and also one right outside the bathroom door because in the basement your ventilation goes up through the whole hotel do everything will smell a lot
Dude why even risk it? The landlord said no smoking, that's the bottom line. And like you said he might have his family living there and that could harm them.
Here's an idea..... Just don't do it when theyre home... Burn some incense after. Smoke outside I mean c'mon man...this isn't rocket science.
[quote name='"PunkRockZero"']There is no way 12 people could smoke in one place without someone on the outside noticing. As soon as I read that number I thought "Is this a joke?" Assuming it's not, I would have to say no. You're shit out of luck. Try the woods. [/quote] Op is those kind of people who don't get it even when specifically told . [quote name='"YYZ"']alright so big seshes are out of it. but i think we could hit the bong in the house like in the bathroom fine right? ill just make three homemade smoke buddies![/quote] Is that the same bathroom his family uses or is there a bathroom in the basement ?