Discussion in 'General' started by DaNgK D, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. #1 DaNgK D, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2011
    NEW pick up from local headshop said its a real roor:rolleyes:

    Attached Files:

  2. nice pick-up.

    I laughed my ass off when you drooled after the first hit. :laughing:
  3. haha me too when i watched i also have a sore throat so its really harsh:(
  4. i LIKEIT.

    edit: str8 garb music lol
  5. that things pretty dope
  6. Nice pick up man.
    I have that same helix on hit bowl(like 12 bucks;))

    That isn't a salt slide is it?

  7. Haha I did that one time with some Baby Orange. It was delicious. Like I was salivating after each of my first three hits
  8. i pretty sure its not, it was at my lhs
  9. Like 99 percent of his slides have his sig so you would know. How much did it run you?
    Im pretty sure its not too, looks like someone trying to copy his style though, but its still sick.

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