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Smoking terminology

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by slappersonly, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, I've been smoking quite some time now and I've come across all sorts of words dealing with weed.
    I'm wondering what are some local terms that you guys use?
    For me I live on the east coast in the MD/DC area and the main term used for smoking is 'chiefing' (pronounced chief-ing) Ex: Lets go chief. You guys chiefin over there?
    Other than that everything else is the same as what i've seen on here.
  2. Here in jersey we use "burning" "yo u wanna burn" is usually wat I say
  3. In south Georgia, we say 'zonking'.

    "Hey bro, let's go zonk my car."
    "I was so zonked last night."
    "We were zonking in my room."

  4. Wanna go toke or smoke.

    Western mass!
  5. Around here: "Chiefing" = You're hogging the whole bowl/joint to yourself. Quit being a damned hog about it. Pass it around!

    "Wanna blaze/get fucked up?" = Would you like to come and smoke cannabis sativa with me and my other friends?
  6. smoke, toke, burn, rip, chill.
  7. This is pretty regular here in canada also.orrrrr.


    eg, gonna go rip
  8. here in canada we just say "Wanna bun?"

    or just burn, smoke, lets get lifted...
  9. I be puffin!
  10. There are some awesome ones out there. Zonking and bun have to be the funniest, I wonder who thought of those.
    I forgot to add that we also use 'blaze'.
    It's wierd that 'chiefing' in my area has a complete different meaning than 'chiefing' in k_Semler's area.
  11. That's just racist!
    But seriously, that's really weird because I thought chiefing was a universal word for smoking herb because of the steroetype that indian chiefs were puffin in there tents with the peace pipes all the time.
  12. blazing, toking, smoking, and burning are the ones i generally used, unless talking around people like my parents, then i go with playing pokemon. one deck of pokemon cards generally holds 28 cards :)
  13. Bogarting.
  14. HA that's fucking hilarious.
  15. burnin, blazin, anything relative to being on fire...

    my personal is "lets go get fucking high"
  16. Some terms used widely in BC but, from what I've seen, barely anywhere else.

    1. Rub - A term referring to what most call "fingerhash". Very potent, very awesome. If you ever get the opportunity to smoke it, oblige wholeheartedly

    2. Bots - Term referring to a method of smoking concentrated THC (Hash, rub, budder, oil, etc). Basically you "pick up" a small rolled up piece of whatever your smoking using the amber of a lit cigarette, insert that cigarette into a hole burned into a waterbottle with a little bit of water in it. Let the cig sit in there so all the smoke is held inside of the bottle, once it's done burning remove the cig, shake twice to cool smoke down, inhale. Gets you properly stoned.
  17. "lets go bun a ting"
    "bun tings"
    "smoke trees"

    one i use at home infront of my parents with a friend:
    "hey chris, lets go batman."

    allow me to explain this:

    "BAT"(bun a ting) and man.. as in.... man. duh haha
  18. Here in BC a new term is popping up, i dont know if many people have heard it yet but:

    Boguing (pronounced Bow-Ging)=to smoke weed

    a.k.a wanna bogue?, lets bogue, i bogued last night etc.
  19. "wanna smoke a bowl?"

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