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Smoking Stems?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DankMedical, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Does smoking stems get you high? because i have a baggie full of tons of different kinds of weed's stems?

    Just wonderin if its better then res because i got no weed :cool:
  2. it'll give u more of a head ache. u could make butter tho
  3. If you're really desperate then go for it..probably won't get more than a small buzz for like 30 minutes though lol. Only time I have stems in my bowl is when I must smoke resin, I use a few little tiny ones underneath as a bed so the resin doesn't suck through because I have no screens. Your best bet would be some resin..
  4. extract kief from the stems, smoke it and enjoy great high without headaches
  5. It gets you a little bit high, but it taste horrible when you smoke it, and most likely you will just get a headache.
  6. If you have a vaporizer toss it in and your good to go. I wouldn't straight up smoke it.

  7. Yeah i'm just gonna scrape my pipe down, its all good though picking up some cali bud tomorrow :smoke:
  8. If you have enough I've read you can get a small amount of iso. Hash from them. That's what I'm savin mine up for.
  9. They taste like shit
    They don't smoke properly

    Vaporize, cook, or make hash IF THERE DANK
  10. ive done it and theyll get you high as hell, just make sure u grind em up and as for the taste its not soo bad tastes just like k2.

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