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Smoking Stems

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ObamasBong, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Alright so me and one of boys were at school bored as hell, so we grinded up some stems that i keep to make edibles. Let me tell you those things kiefd like a mother and gave us both a high comparable to kush. Has anyone else here ever somked straight stems and if so how was your high from them.
  2. No, everyone has ALWAYS told me never to smoke stems cause they dont get you high, they give you a headache.

    But I have never actually smoked a bowl of stems, I do notice they're dripping in crystals... Maybe I will lightly touch the flame to the stems to burn the thc off the outside but not inhale the stem itself.
  3. Well sure stems have some crystals on them.
    But they aren't nearly potent enough to warrant a desire for smoking them.
    Also they taste like fuck
  4. well once i was desperate and had no weed but a bag of crystaly stems so i grinded em as fine as i could and smoked. I got an enjoyable high which for me, put the "stems don't get you high" rumor to rest. :p

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