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Smoking stem and resin...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nirvana High, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I have been out of bud for awhile and noticed the big ass bag of stems and seeds I forgot about. I think I'm going to go smoke some resin and stems. I don't usuall smoke stems but I smoke resin and it can get me pretty high for awhile. But I was wondering does stem have pretty much any effect at all if you smoke a bunch of them?
  2. stems are harsh & they don't really do anything. i've been there before tho and done it anyway, heh.
  3. nah...just smoke the resin if anything man.

    You could grind all ur stems up and make some kief out of em and chuck ur ball of resin in the kief tho.
  4. REALLY?
    because i had some dank bud stems and i got BAKED.
  5. Well I just got back from smoking a big bowl of just stems. I would smoke bud if I'm out. For the most part I'm not high just have more of a relaxed feeling. And WTF is kief?
  6. the crystals and good stuff when you grind up buds. if there is a keif collector

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