So me and my friend have been driving around neighborhoods blazingbefore going the pool. Weve been doing this about half of summer, and today, while passing a J, hit a mailbox. I clipped off my right side mirror. The mailbox was broken (I feel horrible about it) and my friend just told me to drive off. He said "Shit! We just committed a crime while committing a crime!" This absolutely sucked... anyone else with a story like it?
hydroplaned into a planter, then drove away, only to have the guy whos planter it was come be like dude that's my planter! so i fixed his planter. lost the front quarter panel of the car though
lmao. so far I don't think I've fucked anyone's private property up, at least not that I can remember.
Uh, well shit like two years ago when I was a junior in high school I was pulling out of the parking lot thinking about lighting up this joint I rolled that morning and rear-ended somebody. To this day nobody believes that I wasn't high when that happened. That was probably the most lame thing I've ever done.
When I was a junior in high school. I probably should have said something like "back when I was in 11th grade" that would have made more sense.
I backed into someones mailbox once going real slow and no real damage was done. The mailbox just tipped back a little bit, but it was right in front of a couple so I had to get out and push it forward again and fix the soil around it. made me feel like such a jackass haha
I rode my bike to school in fifth grade and my hand slipped off the handlebar and I went straight into a mailbox and took it straight out of the ground. I hopped right back up, looked around, and rode away like I had never ridden before. EDIT: The mailbox was fixed on my bike ride back home.
OP, If you felt bad about it, the best thing to do would be to put a hundred or so dollars into an envelope, put it on the doorstep of the mailbox's owner, write "For the mailbox" on the outside, ring the doorbell, get back in your car, and drive off. I know though, nobody really has a hundred dollars to just toss on a doorstep like that, but if you could one day, it would be awesome for the dude with the fuxxored mailbox.
Me and my friend were going to the store to get some munchies and when she was pulling in the parking space hit the car next to us and busted the tail light. we left cause we were blazed and didnt want the police to come. felt pretty bad about it but that was when we were like 16 and pretty stupid.
Ya last year after school I was at a fight to back my friend up in case anyone else jumped in to his fight and during the fight i let 3 of my friends smoke a bowl in my car. Long story short - cops show up -> i freak out -> driving 40-45mph in reverse to get out of there asap -> thought i was a driver from the fast and the furious so i tried to spin my car in a 180 and ended up getting 90 around and rolling up a curb and knocking over a street sign pole. Scared as shit, I fled from the cops again and they showed up at my house 2 days later... got off EXTREMELY easy tho, got a 2pt ticket (went to driving school) and didnt even have to pay to replace the pole. Yay for having a nice cop deal with me
Last year I was smoking in a parking lot at night.. Really close to where we live, just right out in the parking lot pretty late at night.. We were parked, into our second bowl and all the sudden we get hit! This dumb stupid woman tried to pull in next to us and idk what the fuck, she was sober too, she doesn't drink.. She wasn't even close to parking it correctly lol ... So we all hop out and start to bail except for the driver.. She didn't care, so we finished the sesh
I just thought of a stupid/funny mistake I did when I was a kid... Probably like 11 or something, still in Jr. High so it was a while ago... Anyway, I was giving my friend a ride on my pegs, I had a pretty old bike but it served me very well.. Anyway we got like literally 10-15ft and I started to loose control for some reason I don't really remember, anyway I ended up heading straight towards a parked car lol, my friend bailed off the pegs which made me loose more control because he kicked off and needless to say I ran straight into the back of the parked car and I flew over the fucking trunk and ended up doing a flip and landing on my back in the street lol... I got up and my bike was totaly fucked.. My front tire was destroyed... Needless to say I got the fuck out of there before anybody saw
back when i first got my license (before i even smoked, LOL) and had my old '96 silverado, 2 friends and I were out up to no good. One was riding with me, and the other following me in another truck (like a '95 s10). I had some roman candles and firecrackers in the turck with me. Opened up the back window (the one right above the bed) and told my friend to light a roman candle and shoot it at my friend behind us. He does it and after one shot pulls it back in and just lays it on my lap, i start yelling, "WHAT THE FU..." and then it shoots of another ball, bounces of my door and goes right into the side of my shoe and blows up (surprisingly did no damage to me at all), so while trying to do this I ended up smaking a little cluster of about 6 mailboxes that were all on one post. (found out later that my friend had never shot a roman candle so after the first shot he thought there was nothing left.) well i barley hit them with my left side review mirror. It didn't do anythign to them, and shattered the glass on the mirror and that was it. I was so pissed, but the night was no where near over. on the same drive, 10 minutes later we decide to throw some firecrackers out the window into some random dudes front yard (the stupid shit you do when your 16). Well my dumbass tries to watch it while im still driving, and all of a sudden I hear my friend yelling and I turn around and see a mailbox maybe 5 feet infront of my truck, dead in the center. Before I had a chance to do anything, just nailed it. I had no idea what to do at this point, so I just stopped and pulled over right there especially since there were cars coming both ways. What I didn't know is there was one of the metal street sign post holding the maillbox up, so my truck was kinda messed up. dent in the front, the whole left side had scratches and dents, including one big dent in the window. Oh and the left side mirror that I broke the glass on 10 minutes early? lol, completly gone after that. anyways, I had the heart to go tell the people what was up, and they were very nice about it, and I ended up giving them like $35 the next day for a new mailbox. The cops were never contacted so that was defiantly a plus.