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Smoking Seeds

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SamuelJVint, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Whats good guys? I'm wondering about smoking seeds, i have done it before with just a seed in a bowl pack of bud, but i have a bag of 15-20 seeds I saved from the last ounce I bought, I'm out of bud now and I really want to get blazed. If you've ever smoked just seeds, help me out, let me know how high it gets you, I don't really care about the taste or smell. Thanks.
  2. DO NOT smoke seeds, you will have a headache like a motherfucker.
  3. I have a friend that saves them to have them made into hash oil, but I'm not 100% sure how/if that works.
  4. I've heard from some people that you get a headache, and from others you don't, so i'm not really sure, I know there is THC content in the seeds, its just not as high as the buds, so why would it give you a headache?
  5. In for answers. Have no bud, but many seeds
  6. DO NOT smoke those seeds bro. While seeds contain THC, it is in such minute quantities that you will not even get close to being high. If you're like most people, you'll just wind up with a headache, and if you're lucky you won't feel anything but the harsh smoke. Made the mistake of smoking seeds once myself, it wasn't pleasant.
  7. Fuck It. I need weed. I'll just be a fucking pioneer and go try it, thanks anyways guys.
  8. be sure to let us know how it went;)
  9. ive never experienced a worse headache then from a bud seed, avoid it man
  10. lmfaoo he prolly has a mad bad headache by now :laughing:
    to the OP tho, dunno if you already know this but if you ever get desperate what you oughtta do instead of smoking seeds is just smoke resin. you just take a couple paper clips and scrape the inside of the bowl of a pipe or a bong to collect resin. you the roll resin into a loose little ball, pop'er in the bowl and there ya go.

    It works okay, gets you buzzed at least. Sometimes it can get you fairly baked. However it also tastes pretty bad and its probably not as healthy as just smoking bud. What I do now if I need to smoke resin I just mix in some kief or a little bit of bud or some leaves left from my last pickup :p
  11. Alright, Smoked em 15 minutes ago, im feeling slightly high, cottonmouth and munchies, slight confusion, no headache yet. itll get me to sleep i guess, im buying more tomorrow anyways.
  12. Tried it, don't

    Stems on the other hand... Ehh? Worked i guess...
  13. Ok, I'm starting to come down now, not the best high ever, but no headache eh?
  14. Stop buying Oz from that bloke if they have seeds in it DAM!

    Edit: Seeds in weed = shitty weed.
  15. ugh don't smoke the seeds, not worth the killer headache :(
  16. I would pay money to see a dumb ass smoke a bowl of seeds
  17. Don't smoke them....plant them,let them grow then like it dry ,then put them in jars for a month,THEN!!! smoke it:smoking:

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