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Smoking seeds, help me.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SamuelJVint, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Whats up guys, I created an account because I'm wondering about smoking seeds. I kept the seeds from some dank stuff I got a week ago to grow them, but right now I'm really desperate, I know that there is THC in the seeds, but if I crush them up and smoke them how high will it get me? I've heard from alot of people that you get a headache when you smoke them, but I've also heard that theory is bullshit. So just let me know whats up, Thanks.

  2. ......Dont smoke seeds... You wont get high
  3. I've gotten bad headaches from accidently smoking seeds (packing in the dark). Not fun
  4. Who told you theres THC in seeds? THC growth doesn't start until the later development of the plant. All it will do is give you a migraine.
  5. umm isnt there cyanide in seeds?

  6. No but there is acrolein in both seeds and stems. Beleive it or not but the germans experimented with acrolein in world war l and was used as a poison gas which later was outlawed because of it's toxicity.
  7. THE SEEDS WILL NOT GET YOU HIGH! the only THC is what may have rubbed off onto them, which ain't much! Cannabis seeds are very oily, just think of the last time you let oil in a frying pan get too hot. :p

    GC-MS analysis of the total delta9-THC content of both drug- and fiber-type cannabis seeds. (abst – 2000)

    GC-MS analysis of the total delta9-THC content of ... [J Anal Toxicol. 2000 Nov-Dec] - PubMed result

    Since you aren't going to get high off the seeds (plant those babies!), why not get comfy and click that first link in my sig? Just sit back and read the titles, it won't take long before you find one that interests you! Educate yourself! :hello:

    Granny :wave:
  8. No! Send those seeds to me please! lol

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