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smoking roach paper?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by atari, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. lol this is a random question since im still a little high :smoke:

    i have no weed left now until tomorrow, but i'm bored right now and i had like 15 roaches that i saved and took all the weed out to make a 2nd gen doob, but i saved the paper from them for some reason

    if i ripped through these in a bowl would it get me high?:smoke:
  2. When im done smoking a joint the roach is usually soaked in res but ive burned a roach in a bowl with the paper still encasing it and the paper made it taste horrible out of the pipe for some reason and i cannot imagine doing it with 15 more papers and no weed in it lol
  3. Yes you will get a nice buzz, but its going to be nasty.
  4. are you retarded?

  5. ask yourself, how in any way is that neccesary, relevant, or helpful to his situation. if you think its 'retarded' then offer your opinions on why that is. insults lead to nowhere, and when you're going nowhere, what's the point really?

    time for another hit :smoke:

    Now, to the op, I would say you will definitely get a good buzz off of that. what you're also going to get is a lot of harshness in your lungs and throat being that paper isn't really meant to be smoked, let alone by itself. I'm not sure of the health risks, but I'm assuming you don't do this often lol so I'd say give it a go. if you don't like it, now you know.
  6. Better off smoking those roach remnants in the pipe, not the papers.
  7. now that we have established that you are retarded, its a great idea and it will be smooth as fuck rip the shit outta it :cool:
  8. Do it, but for your lungs' sake use a bong.
  9. too many haters these days.

    i'm with poster above.
  10. So you want to smoke paper and your asking if its a good idea?

    Yes. Do it.
  11. Lol dude save ur roaches cuz I learned something cool.
    Save ur roaches when u got a good few. Get a paper put a little weed then a layer of roaches then a lil more weed on top, then roll tht bitch. Gets u high and the little fresh deals with taste ;3
  12. I don't know if it would get you high but thats just dumb either way.

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