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Smoking resin?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by xXganjagrower420Xx, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Thoughts?

    X •Smoke good kush• X
  2. Do it. Scrape your bowls and save that shit in a tin, when you get dry smoke it and ponder great life questions

    Bird + Weed + Papers = Good time
  3. resin is disgusting right up until your dry
  4. #4 dankness420, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
    I haven't smoked that stuff in 5 years, I seem to have found a never ending supply :p.  Takes me 3 months to burn through an ounce and tons of people try and sell, most at reasonable price.  When I did smoke it, it did work but I think the amount of butane I inhaled from the lighter had something to do with it.  Never will resort to res again that's for sure, even if I am dry.
    Edit: Never ending supply of marijuana that is. :smoke:
  5. #5 Old School Smoker, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
    I will sell you my resin for $1 a gram.
    LOL just kidding.
    Yes, I smoke resin when I'm jonsin, but i do not enjoy it at all. The flavor and the high is shit.
  6. if you ever do fall on hard times I suggest using a hemp wick to light the resin, no more butane headaches and helps the taste abit
  7. This is the 448,928th time this topic has been posted.  
    Resin sucks, and so do threads started by people who do not even give their own opinion. 
  8. Isn't it 448,926? ^
    Thanks for the tip, luckily I have a life time supply (250feet) ...jk, about 3 years though :p.
  9. #9 Grow2dab., Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
    Smoking resin is kinda like drinking your own urine in order to try and get drunk again. Just not really worth doing.
  10. #10 kush70, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
    nah... it's still disgusting even when im dry..
     but ill still smoke it if that's all i have...
  11. Resin is demonic sludge with just enough thc in it to get you high. But theres sooo much tar and carcenogens in it its not even worth saving it imo
  12. When I have no weed, resin is my friend indeed.
  13. I've had some wonderful experiences with resin. My resin highs and most of my friend's resin highs are really intense for 20 minutes to 45 minutes then it seems as if you come down like a switch is flipped. My friend scraped his bowl and got a chunk about the size of a big raisin or small grape. We went to the local park. 4 of us, we sparked up the resin and started counting hits. The key is to get the resin really hot and then it will start hitting good. We passed the bowl until we started getting solid hits then we made it a game. Each person had to count their hit. So first guy to hit it is hit #1. Then next guy is hit #2 and so on. There were 4 of us so your number increased by 4 each time and we starting mixing up the rotation. If you said your hit # incorrectly before your hit you had to skip your hit and got burnt with a lighter lol. The game got really intense once we started getting upwards of 50 hits. We all said the wrong hit number countless times. No one got burnt though, it was all for intimidation while playing the game I guess. We stopped after 68 hits and we were all pretty high. The ball of resin still had quite a bit of life in it but we didnt want anymore. I drove to get food and by the time we were done eating we were all down and feeling not the best. A bowl or j gets rid of that feeling really quick though. I'm not sure if it's the resin or possibly all that butane we are inhaling but me and my friends always look forward to a ball of resin every now and then
  14. Never really scraped resin before. Usually roaches are enough to get by until the next pickup. If the roaches run dry then the kief chamber at the bottom of the grinder gets opened. But I've never really made it past kief, And I pray I never do lol.
  15. I love hash resin
  16. I have smoked it. Many times. But honestly it's not worth it. The high is mediocre at best and it tastes and smells like literally poop. Feces. Just wait till you get more weed. Save your lungs

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