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smoking pot for insomnia

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CrazyGage, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 CrazyGage, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    ok so i dont really know if i have a medical case of insomnia but im wondering if smoking pot will help me go to sleep any better i mean here it is 1 in the morning and i got to go to school tomorrow and stay awake all day i dont have any pot tonight any way if it does work but if any one has any idea if it works tell me also i do this like every night i wont go to bed til like 3 and then go thru the day with a wresling practice too so by the time i get home im too tired to go up stairs and then ill still go to sleep at like 3 it sucks
  2. Yes, I have difficulty sleeping and I smoke every night before bed and it puts me straight to sleep.
  3. if cannabis the the major thing that helps you sleep and you want to change this, you should check other factors such as stress, use of stimulants, diet and exercise and correct them to see if you will get better sleep.
  4. I'm a really light sleeper and wake up 5-10 times a night since age 14 or so (no exaggeration) due to god knows what reason, I find that I have less difficulty falling asleep in the first place and wake up less through out the night when I have smoked. So Yeah I think it helps :)
  5. i exercise everyday already so idk if thats the problem
  6. Are you on any other medications?

    I used to take depression meds and after much research I found they where causing me sleep problems, I solved it by taking sleep aid pills and smoking a bowl from my pipe just before bed

    We all are different though
  7. isnt that melatonin stuff supposed to make you sleep
  8. lol and dont forget some marijuana actually keeps you awake more than others:D
  9. LOL! Two words for you, Durban Poison! If that shitdoesn't put u to sleep I don't know what will!:p
  10. I smoked a bong an hour ago to go to sleep and what the hell! Go to sleep dang it! :mad:
  11. You qualify for a diagnosis of insomnia, but insomnia is not a qualifying condition under RCW 69.51A.010. for WA. (Qualifying conditions for MMJ in WA State). For all WA state cares, you could not have slept for 2wks straight, be on the verge of insanity, but you would still not qualify. If anything, when exhibiting abnormal behavior, you would be invoulentarily comminted to a hospital for up to 72 hours while being heavily sedated. (RCW 10.77.088).
  12. If you can get your hands on some Grand Daddy Purple that will put you to sleep
  13. It's the only way I've ever been able to get a good nights sleep.
  14. "Grandpa's Monkey", (at least, that's what my father called it), [only had 1 small bud], will put your dick in the dirt. You can't help but sleeping on that. (he got it in spokane]. It doesn't have much of a smell, but it knocked me out. 2hrs after torching it, I went to bed and slept for 14 hrs.
  15. yeah,and indica strain will put you to sleep in no time. you can also try to fix your sleeping schudle by staying up all day then sleeping at like 8:00 p.m and then you should get aleast a 8 hours of sleep and your body would get used to the 8:00 pm sleep time,worked for me.but right now i have to stay up to 2:00am to turn on the lights to my plant.
  16. Buy a Christamas Tree timer. Problem solved. :)
  17. lol i just found a nug in my closet mus of fogot it im feelin good right now ill be sleeping soon lol :smoking:
  18. no i just dont get a full night of sleep
  19. Hooray for random bud! :yay::yay:
  20. What'cha bitchin about? I woke up at 0234 yesterday, and current time is 0035. I still haven't went to bed yet, and I'm not anywhere close to tired. I'll probably go to bed in 4-5 hours.

    EDIT: Of course, I'm unemployed, so I sort of set my own hours. :)

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