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Smoking Pace

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WickedLiquid, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Me and my buddies started talking about this, If you're by yourself and puffing, do you prefer to pace it, or just give er and rip as many bowls/joints as you can untill you get the right buzz?

    I usually open up with 2 bowls that equal to about .4
    and then every fifteen minutes or so get another bowl going with about .1 in em.
  2. I usually pack a fat bowl, blaze that, then just keep on packin single hits as needed haha.
  3. I usually start with a nice snapper to get things going, and than a big ole packed bowl. After that I'll continue to pack snappers until I see fit :hippie:
  4. I like to use my one hitter, i get like umteen million bowl packs (1-2 hits) per gram.

    best part is i use my cigarette one hitter and mad it fit into an airtight hole in a water bottle, m aking a water bottle bong. the one hitter serves as downstem and bowl. i have a hole for the carb, and ashes go down into the water so no empytying is required.
  5. At home, my bong(s) are sitting around with some bud left in the bowl half the time. Usually I just load a fat bowl, and chill out while taking hits at my own pace. Once I get super baked I'll usually forget I didn't smoke half the bowl. It's perfect for a wake and bake though. Literally waking up, rolling over, seeing unburnt bud in the bowl and being able to roast right then. :hello:
  6. I usually pack half filled bowls (.3) into my bong until I'm as high as desired :)
  7. #7 samson32, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2010
    I rotate daily between using my bong, bubbler, or piece, but the smoke I get is pretty dank so I usually only take 2 hits every 1 1/2 hours and stay toasted all day.. When it is mids I'll smoke anywhere from 1-3 bowls.. All just depends on the grade for me.. For the bowls I definitely take my time. I like to enjoy every moment.
  8. I like taking my time. I dont like smoking with people who smoke a big bowl in only a few minutes. It just seems like I get higher and more relaxed when I smoke slow. I usually start off with one half bowl and go from there (low tolerance ftw :hello:)
  9. Power smoking gets me blazed fast
  10. i tend to get myself into a rhythm, i'll smoke a few joints then have one whenever i change buses or trains or if i'm at home i'll smoke one every half hour or so
  11. If I am trying to conserve, I like to pack a small bowl, like .3, and then see how that feels and then maybe smoke more in 15min to get to the right level of medicated. But if I have a bit of weed to spare, I like packing a big bowl and getting blazed right off the bat.

    tonight....well, idk. I have like almost an eigth left of kush, and I have to stop smoking for the beginning of the semester next week, so yea, im gonna get fucking ripped tonight. :smoke:
  12. smoke joint after joint til evryones high then one cruiser joint to just pass around
  13. if i want to get baked, ill go through me weed in 5-20 minutes. A gram usually lats me 5 minutes. When i have my fat blazes ill pack small bowls .3-.5 do maybe 2 or 3 of those. pack a nice 1g clear that, smoke a 1-2 gram joint that takes me 25 min tops

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