smoking outside....

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by sweetillusion, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. i smoke nightly outside. I'm always wondering if my neighbors have seen me or smell something. i live in a surburban neighborhood. The houses aren't butted up to each other but aren't real far apart either. Just wondering if anyone's neighbor has ever called the cops or anything?
  2. I live kinda out in the suburbs to and i smoke everynight on the side of my house. Haven't had any trouble with any of my neighbors or anything yet.
  3. i do the exact same thing and i know my neighbors have smelled it atleast once, ive had some close calls but nothing crazy. i dont think anyone would call the cops or your parents unless they saw you hitting something. im never worried about the smell outside, it goes away fast and if someone does smell it, you can always say it wasnt you and be more careful next time.
  4. I'm the parent :wave:
  5. I live in a similar area and i smoke outside at night alot and i've always wondered that too lmao :smoke:
  6. odds are they won't call the cops unless you are in plain view doing it (and even then they would have to be major dicks). If they just smell it it would probably only be for a bit and wouldn't be able to tell where it came from. ANd unless you town has no crime whatsoever they probably won't bother with a report of the smell of marijuana.
  7. I'm willing to bet that if they see you, the homeowner (in theory), toking on your property at night, they won't care. They me be shocked to learn you toke up, but I don't think anyone will really bother you if you're not being a disturbance.
  8. I'm in the same situation and wonder the same thing.

    I never worry too much though. What's going to happen if they call the cops?

    If I was smoking in my backyard, where I can't be seen from the street, and a cop came around and told me to put it out and tried to write me a ticket I'd tell him to get the fuck off my property until I see a warrant.

    I don't think there are any cops who would be dumb enough to come onto your property though just because a neighbor called and said you were smoking.
  9. i live in a small suburb as well with a few houses close together and one that has an empty lot in between anohter house and mine and i always sit out front and smoke and the neighbors are always out esp in the summer and can usually seem me sparking up my pipe or bub and they havent said anything to me yet. and the local poliece dept of only like 4 people drive around and i usually just wave at them and they dont do anything.
  10. Dude if it's your house, fuck your neighbors and the popos, tack the constitution to your front door. no one's coming inside, even if they see you hit a bong; after all, officer, smoking tobacco out of a water pipe can reduce carcinogens by up to 50% according to the surgeon general.
  11. exactly dkong

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