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smoking outside while it drizzles slightly under the rafters

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by erky_love, Jul 14, 2023.

  1. 31014AEC-3EF2-47A0-94C5-17D4651CA43A.jpeg 1B34C4E0-594F-4CE1-9982-2F780A69FCDE.jpeg C0407C4E-E98C-427D-8C96-DCFA48403215.jpeg 5BF0BBA8-1D2A-4051-9796-A2A6A5FDB1A2.jpeg feels good
    breathing in seemingly pure air
    and for some moments smoking weed i feel nice

    had a nightmare and a glimpse of my ex was in it

    we called eachother today professed undying love for another

    also now a cat momma to a little kitten boy named Olive
    • Like Like x 2

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