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smoking out of cans

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by chadwarden, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. lol. thats bout the only tool, and homemade gravity bongs, to use where im at, since not a hint of tools are found. (i live in south korea btw)

    currently living in korea, and BOY is it dry. we're talking, i can find dank once a year dry. =(

    bout to start my closet growing tho. any of you living in korea by any chance!?! i understand this is a big community (biggest dro forums on the internet) and was hoping to find anyone else in korea chnill enough for a session or 2 when the dank is good to go!!!!!
  2. apple /thread
  3. nice. will do that next time.
  4. Ya I don't like using aluminum often, but it'll work if you're in a pinch. Aren't drug laws in Korea really strict though. I think it happened on an episode of Locked Up Abroad or something.
  5. yeah drug laws here are a real bitch. you can get 10 months in prison just for testing positive of thc. matter fact, im on probation for getting dank shipped down here... =/

    korean customs are no joke.

    dont care tho, will start growing once my buddy brings in seeds soon, should be a good summer.

    there has to be a member of this community that smokes down here in korea tho! i just know it!
  6. Cans are nasty. Apples work better than some pipes though haha.
  7. In your situation, I understand why you'd have to smoke out of a can. Personally, I hate doing it. I feel like you look like a drug addict when you smoke like that.
  8. There's a lot of chemicals that you're smoking along with the weed you're smoking out of a can. But if you don't care about your health? Shit, go for it.
  9. Nobody's gonna risk 10 months in prison just to find a toking buddy over the internet, good luck on your grow.

  10. :poke:
  11. Dude don't use a can man. When you smoke a can your smoking chemicals. Its just no good for you. This guy knows...

  12. thats pretty bad ass

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