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Smoking other stuff than weed/baccy

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PintSizeSlash3r, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I love smoking. Like the actual act of inhaling smoke in to my lungs. Sometimes I dry leaves off of trees to smoke them. Has anybody else ever done this? Or am I the only totally weird one?
  2. You're going to end up like those stoners on 1000 ways to die who smoked poison sumac

  3. Rofl I stick with the maple leaves
  4. You need to try herbal cigarettes
  5. just try smoking a new strain
  6. this... fuck backy. and fuck maple leaves.
  7. Yes, yes you are.
  8. I don't know man, you know how it is. You start out and tell yourself you are just going to stick to maple leaves, next thing you know you have moved on to bonsai tree's, and pine tree's.
  9. Its the gateway tree
  10. Thought crossed my mind when I first started and it was a struggle to pickup, but not something I've done. Nowadays if I'm dry and get in the mood for bud I spend 20 mins rolling up which seems to relax me, definitely not bud but it works.

    Friend who started toking regularly with me would try some crazy things. He once smoked catnip, swore it got him a high too. To each his own though, if no one tried smoking the marijuana bud where would we all be? Smoke on you brave pioneer, just be careful.
  11. Thank you godson! Oh and speaking of catnip my friend sold an eighth of cat nip to some jerkoff noob
  12. I looked into this stuff called damiana... they have it on grasscity... I bought a pound of some other site... i mix it with all my weed... for a joint it'd be like 3:1 weed to damiana.
  13. smoke weed...

    thats it.

    maybe shisha....anything else is just, well...dumb.
  14. Doesnt sound like a good friend

  15. The kid he sold it to is a total dick. He's mean to everyone and he steals everything. He's stolen multiple iPods and he stole $25 from me
  16. haha i love that episode, they smoked like dog shit too.
  17. #17 GutteralShiva, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    Damania, passionflower, wild lettuce, blue lotus. etc...

    Won't get as much out of them as you would if you made them into a tea but you can smoke them.

    [ame=]YouTube - Return to Sleepaway Camp (2008) - Part 2 - Complete Movie[/ame]


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