smoking opens your mind

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Fup, Apr 10, 2002.

  1. i can't remember.
  2. I've found that you don't even need weed, it just seems to jump start your brain. I believe the mind can be opened other ways, they just take longer and are much more difficult and take a lot of patience, such as meditation. I can do many of the same mental trips through meditation and simple calm awareness that I can while high, but my thoughts and perceptions while high are always more fun. :)
  3. well of course pot does all this and more shit thanks to it im nearly on my way to the art inst. of chicago on a art scholarship ....either that or affirmative action lol but theres nothing better than lighting up a joint and throwing a couple strokes on the canvas...

    GROWW ONN-peace o u t
  4. Ofcourse! That's just the best part of getting high! isn't that the intention of getting stoned?
    it's like you have a total different look on life, you can see things much better, but you can also getting depressed... and when you're tinking about something, you see always a solution without thinking if it's possible or not...

    okay I'm gonna stop, this:)
    grtz to everyone!

  5. Are u serious lamb? it gets u in a state of deppression? hmmm does anyone else feel that way? wow thats cool that u dont hide it n shit expose it lol i mean sometimes when im high i get a lil down cause i think about things and its like fuck u kno the world is a bitch lol but who knows right?

    GROWW ONN-peace o u t
  6. Man, This is sooo very true :)

    For the forgetting part : write some important things you've seen down.

    Here we call it a third eye, and its the most amazing thing you can get with ganja, apart from great sex ;)

    Grtz El_philosopher
  7. smooth observation man. it releases all inner inhibitions and whatever you want to say is not watered down by what other people might think. it releases our true selves with out any question of anybody else. anyway i love that aspect of ganj, its a beautiful thing to be comfortable with others and talk about a subject that has a possibility of changing someones whole outlook on life
    i am an artist to and when im stoned, the most amazin and real pictures that erupt is not from the ganj, its just the ganj that made me arrive quicker to these images or atleast iwant to believe that
    peace and love


    GROWW ONN-peace o u t
  9. smoking opens you mind putting you out side the box so you know what the world you live in looks like from the out side and you know where thing are that are near the box as the people that don't smoke only know what the inside looks like and the inside is limited but the out side goes on for ever its the first level

    fuck i'm good

  10. og i feel that every time i smoke! i luv it! never run out of crazy thought to think about.
  11. my mind is making so many connections right now i feel like its gonna blow up. paul peterson, what plant are you from? my hEaD iS gOiNg WiErD oN mE i DoNt KnOw WhAtS gOiNg On I dOnT uNdErStAnD bUt YeA iT dOeS cHaLlAnGe ThE bRaIn In InDeScRiBaBlE wAyS.
  12. nodding through the first paragraph.... liking this.

    tenth of the way through, he's writing this as if it were specifically for me at this very point in time. cooool. hehe

    ,, ok ok.. i'll stop the running commentary and save my typing for when i got something worthwhile to say....
  13. yeah, i know the feeling, i was yelling when i read his books,

    fuk yeah, finally someone FUKIN SEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. ive concluded the world is just a big joke.... you get out of a womb go to school, work, retire, die... thats why im never getting a job... i plan on either (a) dealing crack (b)winning the lottery... then i can smoke up and have a different life than everyone else.. i hate being like other people.. thats why i bought the purple and yellow (lakers) Converse Weapens (SHOES) cause noone else has em... i just hit some lines of coke...

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