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Smoking on a chairlift

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PintSizeSlash3r, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Have you guys ever done it? I do it quite often and it kinda sucks, so I usually end up just going in to a glade.

    Any tippps?
  2. I prefer not to. There are a lot of kids that ski where I board and they like to "tattle" on people. Me and my friends just normally go to the old runs that they don't use anymore and toke up there.
  3. nahh we dont use the lifts.. just go a little off the track and you will be nice and secluded.
  4. I go places where I can see other people, but where they can't see me :) usually a couple yards into the treeline
  5. Yeah glades always seem to be the best. More secluded and you can always find a good branch or rock to sit on
  6. I wouldn't recommend it, the glades or closed trails would be good. By the way, I'd recommend using a one hitter. Even though it's a bitch to pack, it's easy to hide.

  7. Yeah funny story about that. The other day after we toked I forgot to zip my pocket and lost my $40 bowl somewhere in fresh powder :eek:
  8. I use to smoke on the chair lift all the time when I was younger (dumber). I would keep everything in a Altoids can and take a hit put it out and pretty much do it all day. Now I just wait till dark and find an abandon run and chill and smoke with friends. No harm to others and way less risk of getting caught.
  9. Fuckin :smoking: man
  10. There's a trail in breckenridge or vail, called Mary Jane, about half way down the trail they have little huts which are basically little smoke rooms with benches, fuckin dope.
  11. I lol'd when I saw the title. Couldn't help but to picture a guy toking on his way upstairs.
  12. do it all the time. its actually one of my favorite things in the world ripping the bowl in the gondola and then skiing, or on the chairlift. a good run down and im feeling one of the best rhythms ive felt ever.

    the turns... back and forth and your flying at the same time.

    in switzerland everyone does it.
  13. if u can find a secluded place on the side though its more chilled out.

    where i ski theres a giant pot smoking circle at the bottom of the main goldola.
  14. Yeah it's not too bad with a blunt or joints.
  15. I do it all the time and I've never had an issue. It's pretty easy if you have a dugout & one hitter and a wind-proof lighter.

    Where I ski, we often don't have enough snow in the woods to ski through (although we do this year :hello:).

    I ski solo often but I've lit up on the lift with random strangers and nobody has attempted to rat me out.

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