I live in MA and it's not the easiest grabbing wax, shatter, etc. I recently copped some Nepal hash oil and using it in my oil rig.. I get high but not as high as I thought.. But still worth it I think.. My question is, I'm a seasoned Toker, going on 14 yrs this July, but is smoking oil out a rig worth it or should I smear of on blunts joints and bowls.. All the videos I have seen show an amber/golden color.. My nepal oil is dark.. I'll post here.. Let me know what you'll think Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Don't know what the Zeno shit is lol.. Don't know how it got there lol Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Oil rig anything else is a waste you've been smoking for 14 years your tolerance is probably through the roof, that or your oil may be lower quality, if your having trouble finding it you can always make it not to hard.
I like to lay out the paper, put the bud on the paper, then get some dab on my wand and put a flame next to it so it melts and dripps over the bud. then, after you've got dropps all throughout the bud, start rolling and try not to let the wax touch the paper. burns great if you can keep it in the middle surrounded by bud, and makes for one killer j
Nepal style oil?? hahahaha They dont fuck with solvents over there, they make hand rubbed or bounced hash, pretty sure they are against solvents actually. You can spread it on joint papers or top bowls with it just fine.
Are you a paitent in mass? If you are it's easier then you think to get oil in mass. Lots of great stuff around. Just a few weeks ago there was a secret hash cup in providence. You could have scooped loads of oil there Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
Oil rig is where it's at. I have acouple rigs and a c-cape for on the go. Pens for sure waste oil. And I've never heard of that brand. Interesting to me. And least you aren't in Utah. Got ppl trying to sell trim bho as clinic. Hahaha fucking rookies. Get high, Be high, Live high
It is when it's pretty much black and full of plant matter haha. I honestly only know 4-5 ppl here that actually know what they are doing Get high, Be high, Live high
i doubt thats the case with the youth anymore though. certainly is the least id expect to see from "old nepal style hash" obviously, but the kids are probably cleaning up their charas.
No really?? Smh obviously I know that. Like I said before, ppl here try and sell trim as clinic. Obviously it isn't clinical when it's black and full a plant matter. You can turn any product gold with time, but also like I said before, only 4-5 ppl here actually know what they are doing Get high, Be high, Live high
If you understand what we are saying then why do you keep saying trim shouldn't be sold as clinical(I assume you mean passed off in a dispensary). And color has to do with quality of material and technique. I wish I could just wait longer and get better product