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Smoking occasionally instead of everyday?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Xeonex, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Is the experience any different?

    I know that smoking nearly almost everyday, it became less exciting and more "Damn i'm wasting my cash." for me personally.

    I'm thinking about smoking only on weekends, as it would save me tons of money and I won't be going through guilt trips.
  2. Why are you going through guilt trips??

    And yes its only common sense that you will grow to be less excited or have less enjoyment if you smoke everyday.. Everyweekend will definitely be good for forcing your tolerance to stay low.
  3. When you keep your tolerance low and smoke less often, weed usually stays psychedelic. If you want those crazier mind-fuck highs, maybe smoking every weekend is for you.
  4. Name one thing besides sex you can do everyday and enjoy.
  5. Weed is ALWAYS exciting! Even every day
    But tolerence isnt...
    Just take t-breaks more often.
  6. I know how you feel man, I hadn't smoked in forever, then my friend wanted to try it so I got back into it and now I'm smoking almost everyday. Now I have to cut back because
    1. My friends only want to smoke like every other week
    2. I get really scared when I smoke alone at night, which is really my only time to smoke alone.

    Fuck moochers...:smoke:

    Good luck sticking to weekends bro! :D
  7. im going to try this. this weekend im picking up a quarter of dank, ill make sure to weigh it in front of the dealer. i have a couple options to conserve my money and the weed.

    1.)if i smoke a gram each weekend i will have 7 weeks worth.
    2.)if i cant do that ill smoke .1 every day and i can make it last a little longer.. bt the end of the week ill have smoked .7 with an extra .3 which could be smoked on the weekends if i wanted to finish the whole gram.

    option one will allow the thc receptors complete rest and therefore my highs will be more extreme and i can stay high most of the weekend.

    option two will keep my tolerance low, but the highs wont be as intense but i have the luxury of getting high any time each day.

    if im paying 10/g then for option 1 it will cost 5 dollars a day for two days out of the week or 3.33 for 3 days out of the week if you include friday. for option two the cost will be a dollar each day.
  8. Do you what you want to do man, if you're having guilt trips because you're wasting money on weed, then don't smoke as much. Smoking only on the weekends will keep your tolerance low.

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