Hey, everybody. I found this website researching about marijuana a while back. I'm gonna be smoking it for the first time this Friday. I just wanted to ask for any first-timer advice, such as how much I should smoke, how long to inhale, just anything that could be of any help to a beginner. I have a glass pipe that I purchased a couple weeks ago and I'm probably gonna have a gram or two by Friday. Thanks everyone!
One word of advice-hold your hit in for 3-5 seconds. A lot of people say that you should hold it in as much as possible, but honestly in 3-5 seconds your body absorbs all the THC in the hit, and any longer that you hold it in will only do lung damage. By the way, I respect your privacy, but what state are you in?
Ok, well seeing as there's some things I had wished I would have known before my first time, here's the best advice I can offer. First off, you said you're using a pipe? That's probably good, it means you can easily regulate how much smoke you're taking in. My first time was on a bong. I didn't know what I was doing and the guys I was with apparently hadn't considered that, cause they just sat there and watched while I milked it. I pulled out the slider and had the surprise of a lifetime. I coughed for a long-ass time. Only took one more small hit after that, but I was ripped as hell, so it wasn't too bad. Second, as for how much you should smoke, you'll be able to tell. When you're done, you're done. I'd personally say pack only half a bowl or so for yourself. If you want more, you can always pack more. Even half a bowl might be a lot if you're a first timer smoking alone. Inhale until your lungs are almost full (I've heard numbers like 3/4 and 2/3, but that's hard to tell... you'll just know). It's especially important to leave room if your pipe has a carb, you'll need to be able to clear the pipe (inhale the smoke that's still in the pipe). If there's no carb, just inhale til you're satisfied. Careful on your first hit or two, don't rip it TOO hard or you might find yourself in a coughing fit. Also, read some of the "beginner" stickies on here, they're very helpful. Break up your weed or use a grinder before you pack the bowl. As for sizes, numbers, or quantities of things (again, such as how long to inhale, how big of a hit, how much to smoke, etc) I've given the best guidelines I can, but it's all going to come down to trial and error. Start low and work your way up until you find that sweet spot. You can always add more if you need to. Looking forward to hearing about your first smoking experience.
First off, welcome. For being your first time take it slow. Take a hit, wait 5-10 minutes and see how you feel. If you're feeling good, take another. Just pace yourself because you don't want it to end up being a negative experience. Basic rule of thumb is to hold your hits in for 3-5 seconds as the above poster said. Anything longer than that and you're not doing anything but possible harm to your lungs. THC is absorbed immediately into your bloodstream so 3 seconds is sufficient. Hoping it's a good experience for you! peace!
Hey, Heart of the Sun, can I Set the Controls? haha I know random. Little by little the night turns around....
personally I'd recommend smoking a joint the first time. That way you can control your intake and can simply put down the joint if you think you've had enough. Good luck and welcome to the club
Yeah, but I've had experience with my glass pipe before, I smoked tobacco out of it about 8 times.. also, I don't wanna roll a joint, as it's burning, it's just wasting your marijuana and they only stay lit for 3-7 minutes.. Thanks for all of your help guys! Keep it coming (;
Welcome and enjoy the herb Everyone elses advice is nice and sound. Where you located at anyways? Hopefully you have some good green to smoke for your first time
Oh, it's good alright. It smells like oranges and flowers. Oregon, by the way. EDIT: Here's a photo of a small amount of it. I dunno if this will be helpful or not :/ http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/7938/img20110129131619.jpg
Oranges? The only time I've had bud smell like oranges is when me/my dealer leaves orange peels in a jar with the bud. In no way is that a bad thing either. The skins off fruits moisturize the buds and make them super fluffy. You're in for one hell of a high! Happy toking, man! EDIT: Just saw the pics. Hmmm that bud looks...stringy? I've never had a pickup look like that but you can't judge it til ya smoke it, right?
Uh oh, I think he's right. After looking at the picture closer... um... where's the bud? All looks like leaves and other "stringy" pieces that resemble hairs, but may or may not be. You might have gotten screwed dude. Only one way to tell. I'll let Mr. Smiley do the talkin:
Lmfao, calm down everyone. I "found" the marijuana and that's the tip of the bud. There were some buds and I cut the tips off then "ground it up" with my fingers, it's marijuana, I know it is. I'm 100% positive. It's grown for medicinal marijuana clinics, the high grade stuff.
More photos: The bud: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/8697/img2011012910581111.jpg Filling the dimebag some more: http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/8274/img20110130115006.jpg
Hmm.. Well yea, based on the other two pictures I'd say that you're right, that is in fact some marijuana. Still not sure how you got it looking like it does in that first pic though.