Smoking Marijuana Does Not Increase Lung Cancer Risk The most interesting part I find about this is that those who smoke both cigarettes and marijuana have a decreased chance of lung cancer compared to those who smoke cigarettes alone
maybe because the smoking of weed directly acts as a substitute for those 2-3 cigarettes they would smoke instead? not sure.
THC has anti-tumorigenic capabilities. Applying highly concentrated doses of Hemp Oil, the most medicinally active substance known to man, to an external tumor will most likely eradicate it within a month, and ingesting the oil every day is enough to cure most serious cancers. The federal government knows this, and that, my friend, is why marijuana is illegal. To protect the financial gain of major pharmaceutical industries and cancer research institutions. Susan G. Koman's Race for the Cure? It's ALL about $$$ Capitalism FTW
Whoa you have got to be careful with absolute statements like that. You could be right in the end but there is no scientific evidence that THC and CBD's can completely cure cancer on their own. It does stand to reason that higher doses would be more effective. But again there's not much evidence to support this..what's that saying? Don't count your eggs till they're in the basket? And hemp oil is nutritious. The anti-cancer properties come from the THC delta nine and CBD's that are found in the best part of the plant if you ask me. But hemp does not contain enough of either to be effective in that aspect Nutritionally though hemp oil is excellent. Very excellent.
What do you mean there is no scientific evidence? You must rely on FOX news to bring you your information. I am absolutely by no means trying to start a flame war here with you- simply pointing out the science. Have you seen Granny's List? Check under "Cancer" in the index. Have you seen "Run from the Cure"? First hand testimonials of people who have beat terminal cancer with the use of Hemp Oil as a cure. Have you seen "What if Cannabis Cures Cancer"? A film directed by Len Richmond that uses a board of certified and accredited Oncologists explaining the effect of cannabinoids in human cancer prevention. Also, a quick google search of "Cannabis Cures Cancer" will reveal several links to scientific publishings and their findings. (Granny's List makes this process much easier). The answer is right in front of us- but we are forced to find it ourselves. National coverage of this 'discovery' won't happen until the time for change has come. I firmly believe the very first step in legalizing cannabis as a legitimate medicine will come directly from an outraged group of citizens who learned their loved ones could have been saved with pot- just like me.
Dude chill the fuck out. I know what the medical benefits are. Marijuana also has anti-epileptic, anti-diabetic, and anti-bacterial effects. It also prevents brain damage from alcohol, lower interocular preassure, aids in a huge number of cardiovascular diseases and disorders as well as treats a HUGE amount of pains from multiple slcerosis spasms to fybro myalgia. Don't fucking try to tell me what it can and can't do. I know I've been research its effects for three years so stfu. And hemp oil is only beneficial nutritionally. It doesn't have enough of the chemicals that help with cancer and so on which are THC delta 9 and CBD's. You wanna argue? Know what your talking about. Rely on fox? Who the fuck relys on fox for true information? Fuck you I rely on fox.
Clearly I am not the one who needs to "chill the fuck out". Respect is just as important as knowledge. You should learn some.
Oh I'm very people who are capable pf reading a post and understanding it instead of jumping to conclusions. If you had read my original post clearly, you would have notices that I agreed with you on it's anti cancer properties. I just said that there is no scientific proof that THC and CBD's can cure cancer ON THEIR OWN. Please re-read the all capitol section for I fear you might need to. You see, these compounds work excellently to help get rid of and prevent cancer amongst other things. But we havn't proven that ONLY marijuana is capable of doing all this ON IT'S OWN. Chances are it's quite capable, but it hasn't been proven yet. And you did what we call on the debate team a "cowards retreat" see instead of admitting you were wrong you simply pointed out a small negative factor in my rebuttal. Thats what makes it cowardly. See because you know you were wrong. I know this because if you had correctly read my post we wouldn't be here. Respect is earned not given. And cowards do not earn respect. But on that note, I respectfully end my text With acknowledging the fact that you are at least far more educated in the medical benefits of marijuana than most.
And to respond, I sincerely apologize for misreading your original statement. I like your style, guy.
Well thanks lol. Back to the point though, marijuana is truly magnificent isn't it? From killing cancer to helping cure MRSA. Bacterias and diseases that we have yet to be able to cure and it turns out that marijuana is the most flexible and usable medicine that we have yet to use and we don't even need to make it! With no serious side affects unlike say every other pill we've invented and it's the government that hides all of this. Truly a shame. For instance the U.S. has know about it's anti cancer properties since 1975. I think that after it's made legal, and eventually it will be, we should be able to blame them for all the possible lives they have cost and that every anti-cannabis person should be locked in a room for a day while we all walk by and get to rub it in . Perhaps I'm a little too vindictive. But still
I would say that is the fault of a government that has become to big and can afford to wage a war on drugs, not capitalism. But everything else I agree with.
I got one but its Diabetes Type 1 and it was a study done on mice I am not sure if that'll help you at all but there is definitely some interesting stuff Diabetes Marijuana Studies | The Weed Street Journal
Seeing that I have had the big c romp through me 3 times, and done chemo twice I would have loved a kinder gentler treatment other than surgery followed by chemo...
To the request for the information on marijuanas medical benefits you can all go to the NORML area on this website and that will send you on an awesome adventure of discovery. Mind blowing lol. And I agree, I've also had cancer three times and now that I'm smoking marijuana I don't have any problems whatsoever. I am hoping thats because of a connection and not purely because of coincidence and or irony lol. Oh and check out how it's effective on cancers that are resistant to our "normal" treatments, and how it is effective with very aggressive bacterial infections like MRSA. Very interesting indeed.
Billionaires get cancer too. It's not about money. Pot may have some curative effects against tumors, it may prove to be even more beneficial than anyone knows but it's kind of paranoid to seriously think it's a cure all that's being suppressed.
I always had the idea that alcohol and tobacco were legal because they are population controllers. And we all know that marijuana is completely harmless (no ever dies from it).