smoking leaves?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Joey Metro, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. I am out of the plants fruit. Can I just smoke dried leaves and high?

  2. It is a very rough smoke and will barely get you high, because the THC content is much lower (I think somewhere around 1-3%).
    But you might wanna look into making hash oil out of the leaves.
  3. check this out. well worth the effort
  4. Bubble hash ftw
  5. It tried once and it was so terrible I will not be trying that again. Make something out of the leaves rather then smoking them. 
  6. cannabutter, yumyum ;D
  7. how much u got? fan leaves or sugar leaf? is it coated in thc crystal?

    i just get a jar and some iso alcohol, put leaves in jar, cover with iso, shake for a minute, pour iso onto a glass plate through strainer leaving plant material in jar, let iso evapprate and bam u got hashish. gotta let it sit for a day or too tho.

    and dont throw away leaves pour more iso onto them, let that sit for like an hour and keep shakin, because u let it sit so long you pull out all the cannibinoids and crap but then you can make an edible with this crappy hash. its a horrible smoke but as an edible it will leave u spinnin
  8. That looks GREAT!

  9. This looks great!

  10. Thanks everyone.
    It was a very harsh smoke.
    I had to smoke a good amount of it too.

  11. Probably a dumb question, sorry: can I substitute Everclear (190 proof, 95% ABV) for the ISO with the same effects?
  12. Yes you can it works quite well.
  13. you can keep it in the Everclear for a month, give or take, stored in a cool dark area. Then strain it, rebottle the liquid, and then you have yourself a bottle of Green Dragon to drink.

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