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Smoking Inside

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by brookstone34, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Alright so I want to smoke up later tonight but smell is definitely a problem. I was thinking of covering the bowl of my pipe with a quarter after every hit and also making a sploof out of an emptied highlighter tube to exhale each hit into. I would usually open a window or something, but later at night the alarm to my house goes on so opening a window would result in the entire house waking up. Not good. So I guess the question comes down to, will I be okay with just using a sploof and covering the bowl after hits?
  2. can't you turn the alarms off or go outside?
    your best bet is to just open a window and blow the smoke out.
    when i smoke inside i just leave a window open and a few hours later it doesnt even leave a slight scent.
    but you should be good with a sploof and a spray of axe or febreeze wouldnt hurt.
  3. Go outside or don't smoke.
  4. Unfortunately, turning off the alarm would wake up the rents. There's a keypad wired right next to their bed that beeps like a mother fucker if your turning it off from downstairs.
    That's what I'm thinking it's come down to. Risking it isn't really worth it anyways.

  5. that sucks dick man. make a sploof out of a paper towel roll dont use an emptied highliter. and spray axe or any cologne u have layin around. febreeze, oust, all the obvious.
    also covering the bottom crack of your bedroom door with a few shirts or towel helps to keep the smell from leaving ur room.

    hf blazing bro, n dont be paranoid the whole time, enjoy it.
  6. what do you think incense was made for, I smoke in my room when my rents are up and all I gotta do is light up an incense because they can't tell the difference in smell
  7. I recommend a super sploof, made with upwards of twelve dryer sheets and a paper towel roll (mine has a mouthpiece too, but to each their own).
    Also, spray febreeze before as well as after.
    The towel thing works too.
    You should be fine as long as your parents room isn't like, right across from yours or something.
  8. 1) go to your bathroom and put a wet towel on the crack at the bottem, also turn the shower on super hot so the bathroom steams up and if you have a vent/fan thing then turn that on. torch up and take a shower using some smelly shampoo or bodywash and it will completely mask any smell.

    2)or you could take a massive shit while smoking and then spray a ton of airfreshener after

    3) get a vaporizor, a vaporgenie is only like $40 and it works better than a bowl in my opinion. its also healthier and more efficient
  9. i just hotbox under my blanket. after sittin under there for liek 30 minutes or so baked out my mind ill come out and let the smoke out but all the smell stays to my blanket and i used to spray fabreeze on my blanket but now i realized my blanket wont even smell by the next mornin
  10. vaporizerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. and a sploof if you really want id say
  11. from what your situation sounds like it would definitely be best for you to not smoke in your house, if your parents are strict enough to have an alarm on every window so you cant even open your window without an alarm going off you need to not smoke inside with your parents home.

    even with a sploof and topping your bowl it's still gonna reak. smoke outside or when your parents arent home.
  12. 1) go to your bathroom and put a wet towel on the crack at the bottem, also turn the shower on super hot so the bathroom steams up and if you have a vent/fan thing then turn that on. torch up and take a shower using some smelly shampoo or bodywash and it will completely mask any smell.

    3) get a vaporizor, a vaporgenie is only like $40 and it works better than a bowl in my opinion. its also healthier and more efficient.

  13. ex super stoner, i know whats up with room smoking, for a week or two before, light incense in your room, so your rents think you just like incense, let them come in while its burning, this wont rise suspicion in incense burning, my dad married a rich jew i know whats up with alarms, leave the window open the amount you want it open, it doesnt set it off unless you touch the window and youll want your room to air out over night anyways, make a sploof, now use a bowl, pack it with only a hits worth every time, let it burn into the inside of the bowl, put a screen where you put your lips to catch the ash, burn it til its nothing, then put your hand over the top (TIGHTLY) and suck in any excess smoke inside the bowl, hold it for 30 seconds, maybe more, this will save you soooooooooo much weed, most people load a bowl hold it for a sec then blow it out, such a waste, anyways, blow what little smoke is left through the sploof out the window with the incense burning next to the door
    im guessing you use a lighter, get a candle, light it and just press the gas to light it, you dont want a nosy parent passing by your door and here the click of the lighter

    i really wouldnt recommend smoking this much though dude, it just leads to super stonerdom, and unless your rich will completely eat up your money, the availability of being able to smoke anytime you wish kind of ruins the fun of weed, stick to after school with the homies, but if you must smoke at night, use my guide, it is full proof and should keep you out of trouble

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