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Smoking in the shower with papers?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MontrealENT, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. I would like to smoke in the morning when I take showers. I've got a window and ceiling fan so I can get ventilation. I've been reading but so far everyone says that you can't use papers cause they smell to much but that's only been said about smoking with a ceiling fan and no window. My question is do you think it would be safe to try it out with a small joint? I plan to smoke at the window, also my bathroom is upstairs so the smoke doesn't have anywhere to rise. :confused:
  2. if you have a window you should try it. Maybe try it without anyone home and walk through the house when you are done. If you are really sketch about it make a sploof.
  3. Going to guess you're at your parents home, are they on the same floor as you? if so then no, you'll get busted(Unless your bathroom entrance is only from your room)

    If they live downstairs then Id say go for it just make sure it's past their bed time, leave the ceiling fan on and if you have any other form of fan then put it at the door facing the window. Light your joint after you have some steam going and use a bodywash or shampoo that has some scent to it. When you're done make sure your bathroom will have about an hour of privacy to completely air out and not smell.

  4. Oh yeah I completley forgot about using a sploof, and I won't be able to walk around after since my mom will be awake

  5. Yeah but the only person upstairs is my bro but he'd be asleep. And does the steam make it smell less? I'm afraid that it'd carry the smoke more so I'd only make the water hot after im done
  6. Pretty much same thing as everyone else said. Give us some more info, are your parents' room upstairs? do they go up frequently? I suggest using a sploof, blowing out the window, and make sure you do your best to keep the joint out the window. Keep in mind, there's still probably gonna be a smell, so be ready to fix that/deal with it.

  7. My moms room is upstairs and my brothers is across the hall. I'm not worried about my mom cause she's downstairs in the morning & my brother doesn't have to get up in the morning so he's always asleep. You think spraying some febreeze right after would cover it up?
  8. Febreeze for sure won't hurt, and on top of the fact that you'll steam going through there you might be okay. I'd still expect your bathroom to stink though, it never hurts to be paranoid, it will only make you more careful and give you a better chance of not getting caught.
  9. If you are smoking when they are there take all precautions: sploof, fan on, towel under door, window open, fragrant shampoo/bodywash. Remember to steam bathroom with window closed and fan on while you smoke then when you are done open window and take shower.
  10. -damp/wet towel under door
    -shower on hot for a minute or two before you start smoking
    -blow smoke out of window(atleast untill your sure it wont reek if you smoke with the window down)
    -spray febreeze or other fragrance if needed
    -spray again after shower

    should be good after that
  11. People aint sayin to not smoke papers in the house cause its paper its cause joints put out too much smoke even when your not hittin it and your whole house will smell like bud
  12. You can get it if you really want.
    Just be cautious about where the smoke is flowing. Engineer that shit man.
  13. If you air out the bathroom before you leave, or leave and keep the door closed with the fan out, the pot smoke has nowhere to go but outside and through the vent...
  14. Why does it have to be a joint? Pack a bowl, joints and blunts are the opposite of stealth..
  15. You'd be much better off using a bowl.
  16. do hot knifes
  17. Tested it out this morning. I had my whole head out of the window and kept it burning outside. Everything worked pretty well and I couldn't really smell anything right after:hello:
  18. This.
  19. LOL be careful though.. when you're high I hear its impossibly difficult to determine if the room smells like weed.

    I'd try to avoid joints and use a bowl indoors.
  20. If I lived in a house where I could get in trouble for smoking, I wouldn't do it in the house at all. I feel like its disrespectful to the one paying the bills, which judging by your post is not you (no offense intended at all).
    If you have opportunities to be outside with some privacy after your shower, smoke up. Then what you please.
    Just weigh pros and cons. Always think of the consequences of getting caught. I wouldn't want you to end up homeless or something over it.

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