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Smoking in the bathroom

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Lone Wolf, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, need your input. I got a small blunt with my name on it. I would like to smoke it tonight, but cannot go outside without growing suspicion from parents. Yes, I unfortunately still live with my fokes. In the past I have managed to smoke a small bowl in the bathroom before getting a shower, and no one would know. Do you think they would pick up on a blunt? I plan on keep the blunt up next to the screen and blowing all the smoke out. Then leave window and water hot as possible for about 15 minutes. 
    Do you think I will have to worry about someone smelling anything? I know to keep all clothes and towels away from the smoke due to them holding the smell. Also I do not wanna spray cologne or fabreeze because why would I do either of those after getting a shower before bed.
    Thanks you input guys

  2. go outside.
  3. Your good man I jus take some soap and put it on the ground of the shower so the steam is scented, works for me

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  4. Are you talking about smoking a blunt or a bowl?
  5. A blunt would reek imo.
  6. "I can not go outside because I will grow suspicion with my parents, so I'm going to smoke a blunt in the bathroom."

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  7. No dont do it man just wait until its like 3 am in the morning then go outside and smoke it as fast as you can that blunt will reek up your crib
  8. Hah, at first I thought this was going to be a thread about smoking up in the bathroom in general (I actually have, uh, a photo of me doing just that...not that posting that would be of any help :p ) .
    But anyway, yeah a blunt in particular, I'd say you're SOL. Now, while even I smometimes turn on the fan in my own place while in the bathroom, just to get some ventilation, I'm guessing a blunt will not be very maskable (and if you do try and mask it, well, you/the area will smell like blunt and cheap cologne :p ) .
    Point is, as others have said, you may want to do it outside. Heck, even then if your parents are good detectives and have a keen sense of smell you might not be able to dodge the bullet :/ .
  9. blunt is going to steeenk! you could try man, but i really dont see it working. head outside if you can.
  10. Thanks for the input guys, no point in risking getting caught. I'll just find a pear or apple and make a quick bowl for tonight. Also any pointers on properly tucking a blunt? My tucking is more or a fold.
  11. Honestly, best thing to do is go for a walk. While you're out go somewhere stealthy, or in the woods or something and light it up
  12. Yeah going outside, is by far the best route to go. In the summer I just go for a walk around our property and light one up. Where I reside there's about 6 inches of icy snow, and its 15 degrees. Going for a walk in that does seam a little odd if you ask me. But yeah I got an apple all carved up and a sploof made up. 
    Also have any of you guys tried a vape pen? One that you put the herb in not hash. Would like some feedback I would like to invest in one,
  13. Smoking a blunt indoors is suicide lmao
  14. OP's next thread will be "Busted by folks...what to say?"
    Don't do it OP...I hate to say atoadaso....
  15. Don't do it inside. Do your parents have an alarm or something
  16. I would never attempt to smoke a blunt (or a joint) indoors if i was trying to be stealthy. It's going to smell. Smoking a small bowl and smoking a blunt are two very different scenarios. Do not smoke a blunt inside..
  17. Smoking a one hitter and blowing it to the fart fan is no big deal.
    Otherwise hanging out and smoking in the shitter is for crack heads.
    Mother fucking crack head come to my house and head into the shitter Im running his ass off.
  18. Well yall I smoked small bowl. Smells a little after was paranoid as fuck cause it smelled but no one noticed. Don't think I'll be smoking inside any time soon
  19. IDK about a blunt but if you have the window open and your gonna take a shower you'd be good with a bowl. Ive even done it with joints. I cant open my window ethier because it beeps (Damn security system). Is this a public bathroom or your own (as in attached to your room)? Id NEVER try smoking in a shared one so my advice is only if you have your own.

    As for your vape question as far as I can tell every pen style vape is terrible for dry herbs. You should be looking at a portable style vape. I picked up a mflb ($75) a couple weeks back and it is 95% odorless. I wouldn't blow vapor in anyone's face but Ive vape and my mom walked in the same room a minute or two later and said absolutely nothing. trust me she's been on me for a few months since half catching me (which didnt happen while smoking in the house), she would of said something if she smelt anything funny. It also doesn't leave any odor on you.
  20. Bowls and blunts are alot different
    I wouldn't do it if I were you though

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