Smoking in school

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by bakedbeauty, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Okay I have the launch box portable vape and I wanna try smoking in school possibly because I can't do it before due to my first period class being the only one I don't wanna be high in. Do you think it'll smell or do you think I can get away with it? People have smoked in my school before and some have gotten caught and some haven't. But they usually use bowls or pipes which are very obvious.
  2. When I vape it still smells a little. Maybe in a bathroom stall with a smokebuddy or homemade doobtoob. Mini can of ozium to spray it down. Nobody will notice a thing.

    Just make sure ur spot is low key.

    Not recommending that u blaze up at school but if u were to do it this is prob the easiest way to get away with it ;)
  3. Thanks for the advice! I was worried I was gonna get a lot of hate for this but I'm glad some people are willing to help out:)
  4. Not to be "hating" but I don't think you should. I think you should just wait until after, because the risk of you getting caught and the repercussions aren't worth it. In my opinion at least. Everyone at my school uses the MFLB outside(the few kids that have it), but inside it will get detected pretty quick. I mean I do it inside my house with people around, but school they could possibly catch you, and take that beautiful launch box away, I wouldn't risk it.
  5. Instead of a dube tube take a towel and fold it up with dryer sheets in it
    Then exhale into that, that way there's no smoke or smell
  6. I blazed after school so many times waiting for my drive. I just went to the farthest away bathroom and smoked openly, they were really old greasy bathrooms that hadn't been renovated since 1979 or cleaned since 1980. Only the special Ed teachers use them and they don't stay after very often.

    If your school has a gazebo or patio if some sort with relative privacy you could try that. Gazebos work mint. Just walk out there and start talking on your phone nonchalant and shit, then sit down and pretend your waiting for someone. Then just sit down on the floor very sneakily and quickly get high as fuck.
  7. Just be careful and understand that you can still get busted. From what I've heard the launch box doesn't produce a ton of vapor. If that's the case (or even if its thick) ozium works great. Kills the smell easy
  8. Should there just be a stickied thread about smoking in school? I mean how many times have we seen this thread?
  9. Vapes smell because weed smells, even when not combusted. It's not as strong, but still very obvious; everyone knows what weed smells like. I would not. It's not worth getting fucked in the ass but the long dick of the powers that be....with no lube bro, with no lube.
  10. what's your first period?
  11. OP please don't forget to post your "I was suspended from school and arrested because I just had to smoke in school" story in a few weeks.

    Always get a chuckle from those.
  12. Dude I highly recommend you don't. Its not worth getting caught and being arrested. Remember we stoners know there is nothing wrong with getting pretty lit but the outside world considers it a class A drug. Which will be put on your record. Don't want you to fuck your life up man, not hating but I know friends who got busted smoking in school.
  13. Why do you want to waste a perfectly good high on school? :confused:

    Do you get financial aid? Kiss it goodbye if you get caught! :eek:

    Are you so "in love" with your second half of the school day that you want to experience the "time slow-down" that getting high often brings?

    And will you remember anything beyond the haziest inklings of what the lecture was about?

    And paranoia cuts down your high! (ask any MMJ user how that first paranoia-free joint was! :smoking: ) You are going to be tripping "Can they smell it?" :confused: all through your classes! You won't even get your fullest high because you'll be a bit paranoid!

    Hon, the whole idea of 4:20 is getting stoned AFTER school, not during! :smoking:

    Granny :wave:
  14. First and last time I smoked before school lol. I was paranoid as fuck, especially walking by the SRO in the hallways lol. And Spanish class? I was only able to say jiberish lol
  15. I knew this kid who used his MFLB in school. His dumb ass got caught because he thought he was so cool using it in the hallway during passing periods. Don't be that douche.
  16. Haha, back in high school I brought my mflb vape to school erryday. During soccer my friends and I would duck behind the pole vaulting matts and kill a couple trenches. I even went so far as to do a trench while in physics, luckily I sat in the back and could just stick my head in my backpack while it was on my desk to take a rip, must've been quite a sight lol.
  17. Today I woke up, vaped two bowls while still in bed (i use an no2, it rocks). Fruity pebbles for breakfast after a nice high shower. Bumb the radio while I drive to school. First hour I went to jewelry class high as balls (i convinced the teacher to let me make a fucking shirt of chain mail. good fucking times). Our school lets juniors and seniors out to lunch, so my 2 friends and I vape another 2 bowls while we get some BK. Best bacon cheeseburger and fries ever.

    despite what people say, being in school high is fucking awesome. It's just so fun. I do it all the time and I act like a clown. People just think that that's the kind of person I am but really I'm just high. Once you let go of the paranoia it's soooo fucking fun. just sitting, doodeling, thinking. and high. It's so much more suspicious if you are trying not to be suspicious. Just ride the high... enjoy it. and dont smell... or have red eyes.


    PS none of this applies if you're taking hard classes and need good grades #senioryear #alreadyincollege
  18. ^^meaning none of this applies if mommy and daddy are footing the bill for university
  19. I've been high in school before and I don't get paranoid because I feel like that makes you look more suspicious. I feel like being high for school is fun and I'm not a stupid girl I was just wondering what extra precautions people think I could take
  20. Wasn't planning on it

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