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smoking in my room

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by caliking4, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. if i smoke in my room with no window open (at night) will their be any smell in the mourning?
  2. depends on how big your room is and how much smoke you fill it with. if you just take a few tokes engouhg to get you going good, then ya it will probably clear out, but if you hot box that bitch to were its foggyer than a nosforlatu movie, then ya it will be there in the morning
  3. if you are trying to keep it on the DL dont do it.
  4. use a doob tube and you should be good, or just do what i do and zero every hit
  5. I just wouldn't do it. Find a way to just step outside for a few minutes.
  6. Possibly. But I would be more concerned about the smell that will reek throughout your house possibly (and probably) waking up anybody you dont want knowing about you smoking weed.

    Use a sploof. But even that might not kill the smell completely.

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