SMOKING IN MY ROOM(the system)

Discussion in 'General' started by Jobaclober420, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. I've done that job, drove me nuts. Actually having to work, yet you are trapped at a desk not able to walk around and stretch surviving off coffee and sugar.

    Omega369 :wave:
    If you have hard wood floors, then yes. But if you have carpeted floors (or really any sort of upholstered furniture) the smell can linger for several days, at least in my experience.
    Not sure why the OP doesn't just walk outside to do his toking.
    Do not listen to this.  It could not be any more false.
  4. IMO, fans aren't a very good way to avoid getting caught. Sometimes the wind is blowing air towards your window, making smoke stay inside the room instead of flowing outside.

    I like to cover my door with a blanket and spray it with cologne then smoke. That way, I wont have to worry bout getting smoke anywhere else in the house. After im done, I open window and turn on fan. Instead of having fan sit at the window, I keep it on the other side of the room blowing towards the window.

    Worked for me so far.
  5. Just put a fan behind you.
  6. When I smoke in my room I make sure no ones home. Then I close my door and open my window and smoke. Leave it open for a hour after and keep a candle lit, the smells gone every time in the morning or whenever I'm done... Every day I do it haha

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. #27 zmasterflash, Feb 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2014
    Ozium. And dryer sheets in an empty paper towel roll, I live on my own but that's how I used to get down
    Sent from my mind
  8. #28 IsmokeMJ, Feb 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2014
    I remember doing this shit too.  One night, brother opens door, looks at me, "you're a fucking idiot", shuts door.  10 minutes later parents walk in, "you're a fucking idiot" proceeded by a 10 minute lecture, not on smoking weed, but on being a fucking idiot.

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