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smoking in closed garage

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tokabowl, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. parents know i smoke but its been extra sketch lately for some reason, so i dont wanna toke in my room tonight. Its to cold to go outside so im just gonna go in the garage. I don't wanna open the garage door, so I was wondering if it would smell if I used a sploof and just blew the smoke out in a closed garage? Would the smoke build up and be visible? how much/how long? would it smell at all?how long?
  2. yous trollin'
  3. waaaaaaa?
  4. If you have a window in the garage, blow it out the window.

    You can also take a paper towel roll or toilet paper roll and stuff it with dryer sheets, then tape up one end of it, and blow the smoke into the other end into the sheets. The sheets will neutralize the smell.

    You can also put a wet towel under your bathroom door, turn on the shower, smoke a few, take a hot shower to get rid of the smell, put on some good cologne, and noone will suspect a thing. Just hide your shit well when you're done. Double bag everything.
  5. there's a search button... scratch that just go back a page or two, these are constantly up here asking the exact same question.
  6. no it wont smell u sketch ball
  7. try smoking in the bathroom with the fan on. always does the trick.
  8. or in your room is fine aswell.
  9. nah dude i smoke in my garage when its cold all the time, my rents dont want me smoking at home so when i am here off from school i do smoke in there , they come in and smoke cigs right after sometimes and dont know its dissipates pretty fast
  10. Or you could respect your parents and go outside.... it really cant be much colder then out side in your garage. Regardless of morals... there shouldnt be any smell, but i suggest at least leaving the side door open[the one that leads to outside] or cracking the garage and sitting on a chair next to it an blow towards the floor.. so most of it gets out
  11. incense would help cover the smell.
  12. But a garage with the smell of inscence is more sketchy. If anything after you smoke id light a candle and a quick spray of febreeze wont hurt...but like i said A QUICK SPRAY.(Dont go over board)
  13. I know where your coming from man, not everyone is is able to blaze. My parents are completey against it and I still live with them so I have to be sketch about it as well. And who knows, I may listen to them if it wasnt for the fact they smoked weed all their lives up until a few years back, they know there are practically no negative effects but they still say no. So yea, I blaze out my window and in the garage the odd time. Yea, if you blaze at night, and no one will go out there until the next day, your good, there is a reason its cold in there. Lots of air can get in and out. so yea, blaze at night and your set. Also, yes, use the spoof just to be safe, and no joints, way to stinky

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