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smoking illegally before medical use?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Recovery1CDR, May 13, 2011.

  1. ooops I think I should have directect the help from spydaman. Just realized it was him who posted about this. lol my baddd. Recovery's thoughts (What the hell is this idiot talking about, ahh maybe hes just stoned.) :confused_2:

  2. lolololololol its all good man i come on here baked as hell every day and pull shit like that, you're in good company here
  3. YOU, Ma'am, are the bees knees! I'm working my way through your list, and I have learned SO much. Thank you just doesn't cut it, but...THANK YOU!
    More on topic, many primary care doctors are also put in tough positions by the clinics they work in.I'm in Arizona and my doctor is wonderful; compassionate, interested and willing to use her own time to go to bat for patients, etc. We have an eleven year relationship both professionally and as friends. She came right out and told me she KNOWS that cannabis has a plethora of PROVEN health and medical applications, and she thinks it should be completely legalized, anyway. However, the clinic where she works is federally subsidized. It was only about a week after the law was passed that the clinic took out a HUGE ad in the local paper proudly proclaiming that THEY would NEVER support ANY patients in any facet of seeking a review, recommendation, or certification for the medical use of marijuana. Not even a referral! Propaganda, much?! The whole tone of the ad was like they expected to be thrown a government-issues cookie! It would have been funny if it were not so sad.
    I agree that many of these "pot clinics" that have popped up are pretty much just certification mills filled with the bottom 10% of last year's med school grads, not to mention the $$ they are raking in at sick people's expense. But I have to hope that sprinkled in there are some real professionals that are just passionate about the issue. And at $125.00 for the appointment, then $150.00 for the state application fee, I sure I hope I get one of the "good guys." I hope the rest of you do, too.
    Okay, sorry for the novella :eek:. A friend told me that I elevate digression to an art form, but I want to be clear because this stuff is important.
    Basically, find out if your regular doc.'s clinic is subsidized by the Feds. That way, you can at least save yourself the money and time of trying to get a referral from them and just have your records faxed to one of the mills.

    p.s. I have my cert. appt. on Tuesday in Scottsdale, so wish me luck! Shouldn't be a problem as I have three of the listed qualifying conditions, along with a host of others for which I take 15 Rx's DAILY along with many expensive supplements.
    I will post after, and let everyone know what was asked, by whom, etc. I really hope to help others here, as I have already received so much help.
    Be well and be blessed.

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