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Smoking hash vs. vaporizing hash

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blunt man, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I have .2 of some hash I made with a pollen press and I could use it with a whip style vape or a bubbler and I was wondering which of these methods my fellow tokers prefer and why.
  2. Vape that shit to get the highest.

    Head Rush comes with a bong hit/pipe hit of it though.

    Just did both :)
  3. I have never vaped hash but I sure love smoking it when I can find it.
  4. just smoked some straight to the dome earlier :smoke: when im going for a more heavy high, (usually why i smoke hash) i like combustion over vaping

    how much keif do you usually put in when your pressing?
  5. I would put 0.1 in a vape, and use the other 0.1 to top a weed snap on the bubble.
  6. Personally I'd pack a fat bowl and top it with some hash, but unfortunately you have a better chance finding the chupacabra than hash in my area.
  7. People need to stop relying on hash to come around. The hash I've seen pushed by street dealers is usually of questionable origin and quality. Make your own oil! Buy some decent looking regs for your first batches then decide whether you want to use dank or not.

    Which brings me to my answer... I would rather use a dome and nail to consume hash oil as opposed to mixing it with herb and smoking it.
  8. Mix it with some good Kinds and roll that shiznit!! Preferred my many who were hallucinating for hours at mi casa. You cant lose. :):D:cool: or a gravity tobacco pipe haha.

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