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Smoking games?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BlazinAllDay420, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. What are the best smoking games? And could you explain them? Cheers
  2. Red Light Green Light (aka Chicago)

    This works best with a joint or blunt, but you can use peices too.

    Person A takes a hit
    Person B takes a hit
    Person A takes 2 hits
    Person B takes 2 hits
    Person A takes 3 hits
    Person B takes 3 hits

    The idea is that you hold in each hit, which is why the game usually ends around 3 or 4. Whoever can hold in more, longer, wins.

    Obviously you can play with more people.
  3. My friends and i just do drinking games and replace alcohol with bong hits.
  4. Bong pong!
  5. Me and my friends play a game called "smoke the joint".

    We stand in a circle and take hits off a blunt/joint and pass it around so others can do the same. The game is over when there is only a roach left.

  6. that sounds like fun ;)
  7. Garcia y Vega makes a pretty good smoking Game.
  8. i dont really understand this concept. could you explain in a little more detail?
  9. I don't know what the best smoking game is, but the best smoking Game is white grape. Haha, get it? It's a pun.

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