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Smoking for about a year, starting to hear sounds. Normal?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by danksoulscleric, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. hey guys  :wave:
    i've been smoking for about a year. haven't run into too many problems, except i sometimes get really depressed when im high (really dependent on setting), and sometimes have panic attacks (only twice).
    anyways, about a week ago, I snuck out to smoke late at night. when i came back inside, i could hear this really loud folk music, kinda satanic sounding. it was midnight and everyone in my house was asleep, so i was really confused where the music was coming from. i walked around the house but the music wasnt getting louder or quieter as i moved. then I realised the sound was coming from inside my head. i sat down and waited for about five or ten minutes until it went away
    i was really freaked out, decided to keep an eye on it, and see if it happens again
    three days later, i smoked while everyone in my house was out. about three hours later, my mom comes home and im talking to her. i can hear someone banging on the door from inside the garage, like full on flailing their arms. i can also hear the coats by the door russling and footsteps. i keep looking at the door to see it bulge, but its not moving or antything. it was really loud, so i look at my mom to see if she hears it too, but she's just talking to me like everything is normal
    is this a pretty good warning to stop smoking, or is this normal and just kinda something that happens from time to time to time?
    i want to ask my friends but im kinda worried about sketching them out

  2. If you're not trolling, you aren't smoking weed my friend.
    Probably frying.
  3. it's called stoned and paranoia
  4. It could be laced or weed has 'gave' you schizophrenia... That's basically when you hear voices and noises that aren't there. Weed is known to trigger schizophrenia

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  5. bs. Weed is known to treat schizophrenia. Look up the studies. Weed is safer than coffee. 
    actually, to people who have a genetic predisposition
    to schizophrenia, cannabis can 'trigger' it by essentially
    prodding at parts of the mind that would otherwise be left
    untouched and triggered naturally or not at all, but it is
    extremely rare and the people it occurs to are already
    well-aware of their conditions before they experiment
  7. yeah forgot to add this but it can be used treat schizophrenia. 
  8. Okay first off I never said weed wasn't safe so no need to randomly add that weed is safer than coffee. Also. Weed does help treat a shit ton of stuff but it actually CAN trigger schizophrenia. Not saying it will, but it can. Google it and a bunch of results will pop up on this topic. A panic attack from cannabis can make you paranoid as fuck for a couple days, weeks or even months.

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  9. yeah my bad it can trigger schizo if you are predisposition. and i said it was safer than coffee as in you wont develop schizophrenia from it. 
  10. #10 BongRips, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    Yeah, it can trigger it if the schizophrenia 'gene' (or however you want to call it) is in dormancy (probably not the right word to use in this context but whatever)

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    that's kind of scary. you should go see a neurologist asap.
    i get panic attacks too, but smoking has never produced any phantom noise in my head.
    The only thing I can think of is sometimes I get body tremors and I think it's an earthquake, then realize it was me that was shaking, not the room.
  12. wow check this guy out. mister weed-is-completely-harmless hahahaha
  13. I get minor auditory hallucinations from time to time which is normal when high I think
  14. its pretty safe. Its safer than coffee and apsrin so if you think thats harmless then it really is harmless
  15. Congratulations your eyes are opening up to everything else around you. Understand that there are things that go on in this world that arnt of this world. How ever i would be nervous based on how angry these things sound. Something is not happen with what ever it is you have been doing, or how you have been thinking lately. No one else can hear it because no one else is paying attention. And i dont mean just listening to someone talk. 
    Stand your ground, you are in your home and and nothing can fuck with you there. Next time your home alone and you hear it try and imitate it and see what it does, if it bangs on your door bang on your wall. If it gets louder or sounds angrier then demand it tell you why its there. see if you can communicate.
    And never invite anything in your home, dont ask it to show itself. It sounds to me like it cant get in your home and thats fine, dont ask it to come in. (leaving a door open untenanted can also be a form of invite). 
    And dont be afraid, if it could or wanted to hurt you it most likely would have.
  16. #16 iphidamas, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    it is pretty safe. that doesnt mean its harmless.
    It's known to trigger schizophrenia in people predisposed to schizophrenia which is only 1% of the human population.
    I don't blame him.
    The government has been unfairly treating cannabis like a deadly hard drug since before WW2.
    and how many stoners have serious health problems from weed?
  19. When I first started smoking I had a few bad times from a lack of tolerance and not mentally prepared for being so high.  To be honest it really scared me and I was in my mid to late 20's (late starter).  I have found times where my senses were heightened by weed, but not like how you describe.  I would take a break for a while.  It could be the weed you are smoking or it could just be you.  Weed is something that should be enjoyed, if you are not enjoying it then what is the point?  I have my doubts that the weed was laced and I doubt weed has awoken some terrible mental illness inside of you.  Some weed just does crazy things to some people.  I hope things improve for you!
  20. You are diagnosed with ear drum cancer. Awesome right?

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