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Smoking Drinking Games

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ant1k, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Hey guys. When I was newer to smoking, I would go to a party and the game would go a little something like this:

    Take a hit from the bong,
    Take a shot (or drink from the beer bottle)
    and exhale.

    What are the positive effects of this (if any)
    What are the negative effects of this


    Also, feel free to share other drinking games that you pair with smoking.
  2. Positive: You get blasted quicker.
    Negative: You will DIE.
  3. that means you have to swallow smoke? No thanx
  4. Swallow smoke?

    you inhale the bong in your lungs and swallow the shot while you have the smoke inhaled.
    No smoke is being swalled :p
  5. This. Given you don't brew it with your mouth then take a drink. Clear the bong first lol.

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