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Smoking dank out of a freshly clean piece

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tgrape18, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Is there anything more satisfying? :smoke:
  2. Getting a BJ while doing it.
  3. while taking a shit
  4. fixed it for you. bj's while shitting just sounds gross man
  5. you mean the "blumpkin"?
  6. all i gotta say is..don't judge it till you try it
  7. dude im all for it:wave:

  8. while browsing GC
  9. #9 ATLiens, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
    meanwhile the bitch is making a sandwhich

  10. As her hot mom walks in, and Joins.
  11. While your hitting on her hot mom...
  12. while making a extremely witty remark at your current situation.

    Thats the stuff.
  13. Ohh YEaaAahh~ FRESHiES :bongin:...while geting a "blumpkin",browsing GC,sandwich being made,mother-daughter action, and the dump landing on the chest of the mother ..turing it into bumpkin-cleven steamer combo
  14. And then taking a nap. :D
  15. You're like the Atomic Bomb, everyone's laughing, having a good time and then you come along and BOOM! Everything's dead.
  16. :(:cry:

    [ame=]YouTube - WKUK: Slow Jerk (French subtitles)[/ame]

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