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smoking coffee

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rileyscool101, Nov 21, 2011.

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  1. i dont it was alright not a bad jail experience

    but too much price is right and americas funniest home movies mixed with to much US food topramen is bad for the soul:cool:

    we couldnt go outside cuase our rec time was at 5 or 6 am and not enough people wanted to go outside and there was one time of day that the sun would shine in the dorm and it was summer and
    fuck it was lame.

    and my sentance was up and then they held me for a charge that i had been released on previously but hadnt gone to court for yet...

    it was like 2 days past my release date and i was like

    why you no let me out!

  2. Man he's going to go in there and get a "spice" blend of some synthetic cannabanoid sprayed on it then fuck his world up when he mixes it with weed lmao.
    That spice shit is horrible.

  3. idk

    it might taste bad

    and its not really smokable like

    it wont burn well..

    relax newbian.....uncle buzzwell has your back.

    just got to a smoke shop and get a blend... or order somthing offline that will burn better...

    or try it and see! report back... if it gives you an extra kick we could be onto a new trend
  4. hahaha op you gave me a good laugh.

    Would love to see you irl smoke coffee lolol.

    Then you could hit some real shit and not look back. :smoke:
  5. Just don't man.
    I like smoking my weed & drinking my coffee.
    that's how shit works. you feel me bro?
  6. Okay I tried it... It was surprisingly good tasting, like it gave me a slight taste like I was drinking coffee, though it did make my mouth a little drier. As for the effect, I'm definitely more energetic. It's 2AM and I only got 5 hours of sleep, yet after smoking it I'm not tired whatsoever. Music and colors are also more vivid. I recommend you just try it once.

  7. Not happenin.
  8. What's there to lose?

  9. In Soviet Russia, drug eats you!
  10. [​IMG]

    Obligatory trollface. ;)

  11. Oh Jesus. I mixed a bit of baking soda with powdered coffee once as an experiment. I've snorted many things before and NOTHING has ever made me feel like my nostril was melting in acid like the coffee snuff.
  12. :cool:

    aww to be young again
  13. OF COURSE you are not trolling, my bad.

    ...Why'd you wrote anal and horse for the tags of this thread?

    *Troll Alarm goes on*

  14. We are not allowed to talk about other drugs here, maybe that's why no one is answering the question directly. We get banned for talking about others drug.

  15. You are so stupid lmfao.. First off, stop trying to be a rules whore for virtual popularity... Second, just to prove your dumbas wrong, he's asking about a 100% legal drug (caffeine) which I'm pretty sure is alright to talk about on GC.. Just like fucking tobacco and alcohol.. Dick riders these days...:confused:

    Now can someone give this kid a goddamn straight answer? He's asking a simple, legitimate question too..
  16. Eh.
    Some of us aren't fortunate enough to be able to afford as much bud as we'd like, but smoking is just too damn relaxing.
    I honestly have no idea as to how smoking coffee would go or what it would do to your lungs.
    However, assuming it's not bad for you, I see no reason why not to use it as filler.
  17. #37 weednotcrack, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2011
    I've tried smoking coffee before, it sucked. I get higher off deep breathing exercises and deep breathing exercises provide health benefits unlike smoking coffee. I found out there was a plant that grows around my neighborhood called lavender that gives relaxing effects just by smelling them so smoking them would give you a more intense relaxing effect.

    They even sell lavender as a legal smoking herb on this website.

    Featuring Legal Herbs And Natural Smoking Herbs Rare, Potent & Exotic.

    Pure lavender flowers very high grade. Said to be relaxing, calming and mood lifting. They are also an exquisite smoke. But they are strong in flavor and potency. These are not sold for any intention or purpose but if you chose to smoke them start off with a very small amount. Enjoy

    I've harvested a ton of these lavender buds and try smelling them for it's aromatherapy effects and it work! I felt pretty high just from smelling it, especially after I wrapped the lavender buds in a paper towel and stepped on it and squeezed out it's essential oils.

  18. Its called sarcasm.

  19. If that's called sarcasm then leave it to the pro's...
  20. I prefer snorting or injecting my coffee, but that's just me.
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