Smoking coffee

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Grainofspace, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. So its late rn I had just smoke the rest of what I had in my bong been smoking all day and drank a half water bottle of mixed booze from a water bottle
    and was getting tires so I decided to smoke coffee grounds in NY bowl and it shot me up so high and now I'm really weirf

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  2. You're smoking the wrong stuff. Coffee is a beverage...not a smokeable substance!
  3. I know I was also really drunk not the best idea didn't do too much anyway

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. Reminds me of an episode of 'Leave It To Beaver'. Beaver and Larry loaded a large bowl of coffee in a big Meerschaum pipe...and the results were not that great either. I bet you won't do THAT again Grainofspace! ;)
  5. OK so it appears from all of these posts on this topic that Noone actually does this. we'll for the sake of knowledge here is my knowledge and experience. No I uses to be a heavy pipe smoker with tabacco. bad habit. my roommate drinks this death wish coffee everyday and buys 5lb bags of the beans from them. so to kick the habit he and I basically decided to take beans and and mortar and pestle to crush to andnd very rough consistency with pieces like grains of rice or seeds. loosely filled pipe bowl about halfway full. used a match to start off and Ithe cherries right away. now my pipe is hand carved from wood and has away bowl that wold about 1 tablespoon or away bit more. which with death wish coffee is away but 200mg of caffeine. the smoke is very smooth away bound tastes like coffee. after about 5 mind of toking I feel awake like a nice cup of tea awake. about 15-20mins tastes finish tastes the bowl and I am feeling a buzz. like a double so espresso buzz. a bit more paranoia than drinking but not bad. load another bowl and another and I basically smoked the night away on deathwish. there is a very strong compulsive redone factor when smoking coffee. I have over time completely replaced tabacco with coffee. I've tried with other coffees but the main problem is than most coffee has too little caffeine by weight to be worth smoking. death wish has 2x the strength and still leaves something to be desired.
  6. when i was in jail people smoked coffee so i can confirm it does indeed happen.

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