Smoking cigarettes after a meal?

Discussion in 'General' started by DamnitfeelsGood, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Anyone else love doing this? I love smoking after a meal. Anyone know why?
  2. Yes, dipping is even better after a big meal though.
  3. yeah i always smoke a cig after a meal i have no idea why i like to so much though
  4. When I used to smoke cigs, the "after a meal" smoke was always the sweetest.
  5. When i smoked cigs it was my favourite cig of the day.
  6. The only problem is right when you light up after a big meal you gotta take a shit.
  7. 2nd best after the post workout / sex cig.
  8. I never really liked it after a meal.

    the best cigarettes are when you're completely plastered and buy a new pack.
  9. When I used to smoke it always made me feel less full.
  10. cigs were originally endorsed as a laxative i believe
  11. something about eating makes me crave a cig afterward.

    even if i had one right before the meal.
  12. I know many people that do and they hate that about themselves...some don't care, I suppose, but I've heard more than a few people talk about how much they hate that they do that.

    So glad I'm not addicted to that shit.
  13. i like cigs after a meal. but not RIGHT after.. ill throw that meal right back up.. food and fresh cig doesnt go to good together.
  14. oooo my favorite. my morning routine. 1. wake 2. bake 3. breakfast 4. cigarette 5. bake 6. cigarette

    step #4 is easily the best cig of the day :D
  15. Yes. Its almost as good as having a cig right when you get up in the morning. Sometimes when im eating a big meal ill be thinkin about how good the cig after is going to be lol.
  16. Smoking increases your heart rate, no? And assuming there is more nutrients in your blood because food is being digested, I suppose its a sort of nutrient head rush?
  17. I couldn't help but notice that you do not wash your teeth. Haha.
  18. lol im not stupid i wait til after i do the morning smoke routine. wouldnt want my breath smelling like cannabacco now would i? :wave:

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