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Smoking before Surgery?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CaliMaryJane, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Good idea or no? I'm going to have two cysts removed. One from my left leg and one smaller one from my abdomen. They said I shouldn't eat after 12 midnight, the day of the surgery. They are going to shoot me up with some kind of anesthesia, so I just want to have a few hits to calm myself...

    yes or no...
  2. go for'll be pretty gone from the anesthesia anyway.
  3. Will you be unconcoius or awake during the surgery?
  4. You may want to inform them if you do it though. I'm no expert on anesthesia, but it's possible that combined with other chemicals in your body it can have adverse effects. They asked me before I had surgery whether or not I was doing any drugs (I wasn't at the time, this was a while back) so I figured it must be important for them to know.
  5. I will be knocked out the whole time. :smoking:
  6. #6 CaliMaryJane, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    Funny thing is I just got off the phone with the nurse and she was asking me a bunch of health questions, and got to the part where she asked me if I do drugs. I told her I smoke weed almost every day...

    she asked me if I did anything else like harder drugs I said no.. (I kind of lied because I do OC ocassionally).
  7. I had my tonsils taken out back in september, the presurgery person that called me 2 nights before said i should not smoke for 3 days before surgery just to be safe. It was too late...

    I had my surgery on tuesday at like 9 am

    on sunday into monday night i blazed up hella lots, a few friends and i split a quarter... i usually just do a bag a week.

    Long story short, i was fine and they even had to put me under

    A quick side note, you prolly don't want to go in there high or smoke the same day. Some people can't be put under by anesthesia when they have marijuana in their system. You have to wait till it clears out. ( as in just not being high)
  8. i smoked weed before i got my wisdom teeth removed

    1 problem everytime the nurses boobs went over my head i wanted to laugh
    2 i probably stunk like pot

  9. wheres the proof?
  10. I would assume that it's just a precaution if it actually is true, not saying that it can have adverse effects but who knows?

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