smoking before surgery

Discussion in 'General' started by austyn12, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. I just got told today not to eat or drink anything after 12am today and i was wondering if the smoke is going to effect my nose surgery if i keep doing it or if i stop right now. will it effect my surgery or not?
  2. Dude just wait until after surgery lol. Why would you even want to go into surgery blazed?
  3. I'd say to hold off. Can't you wait a little longer?
  4. yeah im going to is this going to effect my surgery i just smoked like hour ago?
  5. Umm are they giving u anesthetic? If yes, I don't know, you may want to disclose to your doctor that you're high. If not, you should be good.
  6. yeah i think so . so it might? what is worest that would happen?
  7. I really have no idea man. If it's bugging you out just tell the doctor you used marijuana in the last 12 hours.
  8. You could die. Just wait til after its weed not crack you can wait op
  9. its 8pm right now okay ill say something.
  10. Dont do it, trust me the smoke causes irritation to the glands in your nose and with fuck stuff up, either eat it or dont at all
  11. is vape okay nah never mind wont risk it.
  12. Vape is perfectly fine my friend. The vapor isnt hot enough to damage your nose so youre fine, go head and vape
  13. I assume they're giving you anesthesia. I smoked the night before I had minor surgery (was put under with local anesthesia) and I told the anesthesiologist and he simply said "ok" and the surgery continued. As long as you don't show up high, you should be fine smoking the night before.

    Showing up stoned is definitely NOT the right thing to do, regardless if you're put under or not. It could easily cause the surgery to be rescheduled and you'd piss off a lot of doctors. Anyone who advises you to show up high for surgery is an idiot.
  14. yeah im not a crackhead im not showing up stoned i was just worryied what is going happen if i didnt smoke anymore thanks for info by the way. I dont even ride my bike stoned after almost getting hit by a car because i didn't stop fast enough.
  15. Here is my take. Smoke your little heart out.
    they warn you not to eat or drink because the anesthesia can cause vomiting if you have something in your stomach. weed doesn't go in your stomach. in fact, it goes into your blood stream. it can make your blood rush more, but i doubt it would have a remarkable effect on your surgery. None of us are doctors, and we don't want to be liable for anything. But I really think you'd be safe on this one.
  16. holy just wait man u dont needa make a thread man ur gunna get put to sleep anyways... ITS NOT CRACK lol
  17. So what happened?
  18. ill reply when get back .
  19. Just tell doc you smoke weed and are high. Docs won't rat u out there's like some type of dr-patient truce.
  20. Did you go high?

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