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Smoking before sleep

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xxmaskmagexx, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Okay hey Grasscity I have a question. I've smoked before going to sleep before and yeah I go to sleep great but my question is does anybody else feel high the next day when they wake up or trip a little?
  2. yeah, i actually got an ounce of mids for 60 this week so i made it a point to get obliterated before bed and then id wake up high, its nothing special.

  3. Only once in my life have I woke up the next day still high. I don't even remember the occasion now. I've been smoking before sleeping this past week and I wake up so refreshed, not groggy at all :) and can go all day without needing a nap
  4. i have and it made me feel great at first and then when i came down it made me feel so tired
  5. If your newer to smoking or are smoking a larger amount you might wake up with a slight high but the chances are your body would of dissapated the effects while you were sleeping.

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