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Smoking before midterms?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DeadliestSnatch, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I have a midterm tomorrow and I'm a little stressed. I have been studying enough, and I feel comfortable about the test. Would it be ok to smoke between now and the test or do you think it would effect me somehow? How does weed effect your studying/test taking?
  2. Maybe I'll just get a little high.
  3. If its something that doesn't involve math, i toke :smoke:

    Went to my English Final exam baked, fucking rocked that shit :D
  4. Study high, take tests high, get high scores! :smoke:

  5. No, you're a towel
  6. I took the state standart assessment test in high school baked. got in the 90th percentile in everything, except 80-ish on the science portion. got a 100% (perfect haha) on the writing section (baked, wrote some crazy ass essay)

    Also, I took the SAT blazed as fuck. I got somewhere in the high 1700's. i know i could have done better, but i never got the chance to re-take it. though i got into college with my score anyway, so fuck it haha

    Also, i wrote an 11 page paper which was procrastinated to the last day after 4 months. the assignment was 3-4 pages. i got an A+ with the only points being taken off because it was too long. the entire time i was baked as fuck.

    So yes, smoke that shit up before midterms dude.

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