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smoking before bed.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mike mooo, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. i like to do it, makes me fall asleep faster. what are your guy's opinion on it?:smoke:
  2. yeah i love it since its hard for me to fall asleep otherwiseee
  3. I would imagine anyone who smokes alot of bud has trouble sleeping without smoking a bowl before bed.
  4. I like to time my last few bowls, so when I'm coming down I can just knock out and not be wasting the day. :)
  5. i do it all the time, but like you said it makes you tired and i find myself very high...but in bed just laying there watching tv or on youtube. its a nice stress releaver and does get you sleeping though, just kinda boring if you do it all the time
  6. Oh yeah if i don't smoke, I'll lay in bed for a while til I pass out unless I work all day or work out at night. Sometimes it's almost impossible to sleep

    But, with a little weed in me, anythings possible...
  7. smoke --> masturbate --> sleep
  8. I toke every night before i go to sleep unless i am already very tired. If i don't smoke and i am not that tired, i will just lay in bed tossing and turning and thinking about things i have to do. When i do smoke on the other hand, i relax, listen to music and let my mind travel. Before i know it, BOOM, i'm alseep.
  9. only gays do that
  10. Erryy day!

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